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[Legend of the Five Knights 2]- The Shadow of Justice

[Legend of the Five Knights 2]- The Shadow of Justice

43 Chapters
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Tetsuya was born to the wealthy and famous Kuroriku clan. However, out of the six Houses of the Kuroriku, he was born to the infamous second branch which lacks the resources of the main, and other branches. They don't even have the privilege of having their own name to differentiate them from the main household. After living in the countryside for most of his life, this plain college boy is invited to the royal palace.Excited at first to meet the king, Tetsuya soon finds out that the kingdom will require more of him than a hand to till the soil. He is to become one of the five knights. His weapon? A shield. His duty? To protect the kingdom from the umber forces that threaten to destroy it. Yet, the more he sees and hears, the more he begins to ponder if the true darkness isn't within the castle walls themselves... A tale filled with mystery and political intrigue. Cover was put together by moboreader. All rights reserved (except for the images used for the cover).

Chapter 1 NO.1

"Kiddo, " Mother says, glancing back at me as we drive across the countryside to visit my uncle and his family. "Feeling well?"

"I'm fine, " I say, glancing at the cows chewing on grass. Their mouths move up and down, as if savoring every single bite.

"You still mad at me for what I said about Tetsuya?" Father asks.

I lean my head against the window. A moment of silence hangs over us like a dark blanket.

"Listen, Ashi."

My eyes remain on the verdant fields of grass as my hands grasp my black rosary. Daddy had given it to me when I was born. I sit up and narrow my eyes. It looked similar to the one in the story.

"Dad. Why did you call me Ashi?"

Dad stops the car and glances back. "Why do you ask that now?"

"Also, this rosary... It's the rosary of the Angel of Darkness, our ancestor. Why were you in its possession? Dad, what's your connection with the Knight of the Shield? Why name me after the kid he wanted to have?"

Dad returns his focus to the dirt road and drives on. "No reason. Ashi was a nice name. And that rosary... it's a replica."

I narrow my eyes some more. "Really? Daddy?"

He snickers. "What? Did you have delusions of being the reborn Hanketsu?"

My face warms. "I... do not! I rather not be."

"Hmm?" he asked.

My hands clasped the rosary tighter. "I like my simple life. If I were to be the reincarnation of Hanketsu, then my life will be filled with hardship."

Father nods. "And you should. Kiddo, don't you dare dream of being a hero. Don't fall for the same illusions of grandeur that so many before you have."

"But the Knight of the Shield didn't have such illusions. All he sought was to clear his name."

His golden eyes widen a little. "You sure? Don't you think that he at least had a bit of otherworldly desires?"

"No. He was all about clearing his name. At least based on the first half." My eyes shift toward mom. "Hey, can you tell me the second half? We won't arrive at uncle Taku's home for a while."

Mother looks at him.

Dad sighs. 'Alright. Tell the kids the rest of the story that he can finally stop nagging."

"Yay!" I yell.

"Yay!" sister says.

"Not you too, " Dad says, sighing.

A smile dots my face. "How about Dad tells it this time?"

He lifts his hands from the driver's wheel momentarily. "Uh, kind of driving here."

I pout. "Come on."

"You know, you're a lot like Hideo."

I bit my mouth. "Not him. He's one of my least favorite. Well, only two that I like are Tetsuya and Setsuko."

A chuckle echoed across the car. "Really? I can barely blame you. They are the better ones out of the five. But even those two weren't without their faults... Fine. I'll tell you the story."

"Yahoo!" sister says. "Papa is going to tell us a story!"

I give him all of my undivided attention.

"Before I do. Where did you leave off?"

"They were going to visit home to see if Tekeshi had returned."

Father's eyes dim. "Right. Him." He clears his throat. "Alright... let's begin."

**Solar Note: Hope that you enjoyed reading this chapter :D!**

*Character Section*

Ashi Kuroriku- Sex: Male Age: 9 Birthday: August 15, ????

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Latest Release: Chapter 43 NO.43   04-20 14:26
1 Chapter 1 NO.1
2 Chapter 2 NO.2
3 Chapter 3 NO.3
4 Chapter 4 NO.4
5 Chapter 5 NO.5
6 Chapter 6 NO.6
7 Chapter 7 NO.7
8 Chapter 8 NO.8
9 Chapter 9 NO.9
10 Chapter 10 NO.10
11 Chapter 11 NO.11
12 Chapter 12 NO.12
13 Chapter 13 NO.13
14 Chapter 14 NO.14
15 Chapter 15 NO.15
16 Chapter 16 NO.16
17 Chapter 17 NO.17
18 Chapter 18 NO.18
19 Chapter 19 NO.19
20 Chapter 20 NO.20
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