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"I'm starting to wonder if you actually asked Mr. Larsson to apologize on your behalf for wrongly accusing me," I snapped angrily, unable to tolerate the attitude any longer. "No, I didn't. Why should I apologize?" he chuckled "You're incredibly arrogant and pompous, with a disgusting character," I spat out, glaring directly into his eyes. "I won't tolerate being insulted like that," he said, taking an angry step toward me. "But I'm supposed to tolerate being wrongly accused and apprehended without an apology from you?" I retorted, staring him down. Ayra Malik, an ordinary Casino worker finds herself embroiled in a high-stakes drama when her co-worker impersonated her identity by claiming she was her after successfully stealing an Engraved bracelet from a casino client. Caspian Hawthorne a wealthy business tycoon who has ties with the owner of the Casino accused Ayra Malik of theft and immediately instructed for her apprehension without meeting her in person. When the lady in question insisted that she hasn't stolen any bracelet and infact, hasn't met with the client, Caspian decided that he should pay the lady a visit at the Police division where she was detained but on reaching there, he discovered that he was wrong and the lady is totally not the one at the suite.



"Ayra, Ayra," a voice called out as I lay in the depths of sleep.

"Today, aren't you heading to work?" the voice inquired.

"Melissa?" I called out, struggling to collect my thoughts.

" You're back?" I inquired in a sleepy tone, attempting to stretch.

"Yes, and do you know what the time is?" she further asked, pulling the duvet away from me.

"Unless, if you want Mr Larsson to remove a day off from your roaster" she said as she took a pillow, playfully hitting me with it.

Following numerous attempts to wake up, I eventually rose to my feet.

"Welcome back, how was the night shift?" I asked, as she sat on the bed, preparing to start sleeping.

"Busy as usual," came her reply.

"Have you already taken your bath?" I asked when I noticed she was about to lay down.

"Yes, what's the point of working there if there's no opportunity to bathe?" she replied as she tried to get some sleep.

"Please, make sure to wake me up at 4 PM. I'm not certain I'll be awake by then," she requested, followed by a wide yawn.

"Sure, I will" I replied.

"Are you skipping breakfast before sleeping?" I asked, but my question was met with silence as Melissa had already drifted off to sleep.

I rushed to the bathroom to shower so I could get ready for work.

My name is Ayra Malik, and I'm twenty-three years old. The lady currently sleeping in the bedroom is Melissa Shawn. She's not only my best friend but also my roommate and one of my favorite people. She knows practically everything about me, although not everything.

We both work at the top-rated casino in the city. Melissa opted for the night shift due to the extra tips she receives at the underground casino, even though she returns home every morning utterly exhausted. As for me, I chose to work in the hotel section not because I don't appreciate the extra tips, but because I can't tolerate older men, old enough to be my father, making inappropriate gestures like smacking me on the buttocks. I absolutely detest that behavior!

I quickly dressed and left the house, closing the door quietly so as not to disturb Melissa's sleep.

"Morning Ayra, I see you're ready for work," greeted Mr. Garrett, our kind landlord, as he watered the flowers surrounding his house, a habitual routine of his.

"Morning, Mr Garrett. I hope you had a pleasant night?" I returned with a smile.

"Yes, and how about yours?" he asked as I rummaged through my side bag.

"Same" I replied.

Mr. Garrett is a very kind man, though I can't say the same for his wife. He was blessed with three children: two girls who live in the larger house, in high school, while his son, the youngest of them, still lives at home with his parents.

"Mr. Garrett, here's our contribution for this week's water supply," I said with a smile, handing him the money.

"Okay, thanks. Have a nice day at work," he wished as I dashed out of the house.

I hurried to the bus station, and there, my usual ride was waiting.

"Good morning, Mr. Alfred," I greeted the bus driver, smiling sheepishly.

"You're always running late, Ayra," he said, with a smile.

I didn't defend myself because I knew I was indeed always late.

I grasped the sturdy bus handle tightly for support as I stood among the crowd of commuters. Like clockwork, the bus was consistently packed every morning as we all made our way to work in the affluent part of town. The majority of us here held menial jobs such as drivers, cleaners, and nannies, roles that placed us firmly at the lower echelons of society.

As soon as we arrived at the bus station, I exchanged a quick goodbye with Mr. Alfred and hurriedly made my way off the bus. The journey from the last bus station to my work place was a kilometer long, a factor that consistently contributed to my tardiness at work.

I adjusted my bag on my shoulder, feeling the weight of the day ahead, as I headed towards the towering edifice of the biggest casino in town, Eclipse Edge Casino. The anticipation of another day's hustle and bustle pulsed through me as I approached the grand entrance, ready to immerse myself in the vibrant energy of the bustling establishment.

"Good morning, Ayra," Collins, one of the receptionists at the front desk, greeted with a playful grin. "Welcome to Eclipse Edge Casino, Ma'am. How may we assist you on this fine day?" His cheerful demeanor added a touch of warmth to the bustling atmosphere of the casino lobby.

"Collins, let me be. I'm already late," I said with a hurried smile as I made my way towards the changing room.

"Ayra, always in a rush to get into the building," Mr. Larsson, the head of the cleaning department, remarked.

"Sorry, Sir," I replied simply, knowing that I couldn't keep offering the same excuse every day.

"The occupant of room fifty-two just checked out not long ago. Go clean up the room," he instructed briskly before turning to leave, whistling as he scanned the building.

"Good morning, Sir," Collins greeted him respectfully as he passed by.

"Morning, Collins," he replied in a somewhat bossy tone.

"Hope you didn't miss anything while preparing the bill for the guest who just checked out?" he asked authoritatively, his tone carrying a hint of expectation.

"Not at all, Sir," Collins replied confidently, assuring him of his thoroughness.

"Good" he replied as he ascended the stairs.

I couldn't contain my amusement. Despite being the head of only the cleaning department, Mr. Larsson seemed to believe he held more authority than that. It wasn't within his purview to question the billing, yet he felt the need to assert himself. Quite humorous, isn't it?

I swiftly changed into a black flared gown, secured a while apron tightly, donned my black covered shoes, and gathered my cleaning supplies before heading out.

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