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Chapter 3 Beautiful Sadness

Word Count: 1056    |    Released on: 13/01/2021

here I could escape from my reality into another world of pe

hts, and kingdoms where all led up to bravery, strength, and persistence. I would get lost, an

e corner, as I was reading. But I kept on reading anyw

a sketch, a beautiful sketch of a woman by the window reading a book with rays of sunshine

ough, he really captured you beautifully, in this one." She told me, I was a bit stunned but tried to appea

group meeting, where we were supposed to s

mpt from the group leader, to try and made me share and opened up to the g

ntil I smashed myself, into a body. I slowly looked up finding the tattooed handsome go

nt. What? why? damn! It ha

ping to talk to you. I saw your sketch. The strong strokes, composition, the p

med Laura at the desk, that he was going to take a walk with me outside. She nodded and smiled at me. "Just b

g for me to talk. He didn't push m

paint, it reminds me of him. I don't want to be reminded of him

to calm me down. But didn't say anything. He wiped my tears away and hugged me. Put his chin on top of my head, a

s a very honest one. The sadness it's so deep, I need to paint it." He caressed and stroked my cheek. He didn't smile, he looked sad and understanding.

him back to his class, after my last incident. He led me to sit on the stool, that he already moved to the center of the r

lent for almost two hours until he finally finished.

trokes, his choices of colors it was genius. He was freaking talented. This was a gallery-quality painting. I knew this

time." I hovered my hand above his painting, catching the sadness in his strokes. My tears fell feeling the s

ven your sadness is beautiful. I would like to paint you again tom

reading your books for now. It will keep your mind occupied from your husband, and your inner de

red me some time, in my schedule with him tomorrow. She smiled lookin

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