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Chapter 3 Tragic Accident

Word Count: 1431    |    Released on: 16/01/2021


ning and thunder raging mad in the night sky. I

id that they couldn't cancel. With the thunderstorms, many of the guests wouldn't show either, so the

my life with them, they took care of me. They truly care for me like I was their daughter. But I still co

se, they like having someone to talk to whenever they're in the house. I refused to go out of town for college. Not like Anthony, who ch

was dying from her illness. Martha, our maid was with me trying to comfort me. She was a sweet older woman, she knows me from the first day I

e rang. I could feel myself trembling, my ha

..." I waited for the v

y to tell you that they have been involved in an accident this evening. I will need you to come to the ho

"I'm going to call Bert, best to go there with a driver at this time. We're going to the hospital right now okay? I'll get your shoes a

et my things. Then I called Anthony. He was devastated, but he continued telling me that he was not

n the next available flight. She told me to stay strong and said

y was already there, he was talking to the docto

.this is no

the whole time, then Anthony looked at me with sadness in his eyes. I ran

my temple, his chest vibrates with his sobbing cries. I know that

ng to the lawyers regarding Janet's and David's wishes for their funeral. Anthony told me that they had arranged everything, that they had shared this in

would pick it up in the morning. She was sitting in the front, while Anthony

ill make it on our own." he kept on chantin

leave me..." I

orrow will be a long day." He kisse

hand, draped on my waist. "Anthony?" I shook his s

that he had gotten taller, more built, and more ha

o hand

oard...naked from the waist up, ripples of chest muscles and abs suddenly a

morning bed voice sent funny feelings to my lower parts. I nodded and blushed again, he got up and

that they had arranged all the invites. The lawyers had been given the list previously by Janet and David. The lawyers said that they had already

even wear sunglasses, since I kept on nudging the glasses with tissues every five seconds. Anthony and I sat in the front, where all Janet and David's acq

a nightmare, where the woman who was dressed in white was at the bottom of the stairs. She was just waiting for me. Anthony was by my

ny said that you've been having nightmares. If you're strong, then you won't get tired easily, and the nightmares won't come. Do you

eave you so soon. But I already talked to Anthony, and he will keep you company, and ta

f, you have helped me face my fear all these years. I will cal

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