img Ruthless The Trial Marriage Of The Arrogant Heiress  /  Chapter 4 Does he have a girlfriend | 10.53%
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Chapter 4 Does he have a girlfriend

Word Count: 558    |    Released on: 17/03/2021


uldn't even hear my heartbeats. It fe

s as huge as a palace, rooms are so beautiful with Italian furnishings, black leather furniture, white shining marble on the floor, which reflected like a mirror, But there I was burdened by the weight of my s

by the man who is officially my husband for a few hours, he stepped in, With every step bringing him closer to me,

t he was already scanning every curve of my body, fantasizin

to me? He won't do anything, right? He was very cool outside in front of t

sten... In case you forget..." I looked at him and started reminding him but stopped in the mid-way as

sed his brows, definitely arising a

ething before I spoke again. "What are you going to

ccording to rule 7 of the contract I signed, it says that I can't sleep

contract already

t right then. But I forget about giving it back to you." With that, he took a folded pape

ooked away immediately. I

tling the pillow underneath his head, he laid down on

have a g

at's none of

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