img Under my boss' table  /  Chapter 2 What's wrong with you | 4.35%
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Chapter 2 What's wrong with you

Word Count: 801    |    Released on: 28/06/2021

ted. He smiled and was amused. I had already imagined how we would meet

ar. He did not refuse again, and I already thought that half the job was done, bec

drop something off. But it didn't matter at al

out of the car and I followed him.


d you want

hout hesitati


of my cheek, and at that moment I did not want to part of him. I hugged his neck and touche

I approached him and our bodies touched. I felt a pleasant warmth and pleasure from such intimacy spr

ngs, I was so pleased. And the next second I felt how h

yours, in

ips and I already imagined that he was beginning to kiss me back. Oh, if at that moment he would grab

d embraced so closely that they appeared to me always and everywh

id grab me by the shoulders, but only to stop me, and

! I'm married and I'm not

oked into his eyes, there was only shock and bewilderment. There was no attrac

the quest

with you? Is e

good if I'm sick with you? I love you! I've been go

ould be that difficult to pronounce them. And even more,

alking about?!” He look

you in my bed, how we spend our nights on the go! I want to be in your arms. I want to be more to you than a colleague and a subord

and just looked at me with his

s words sounded like

happy with this woman. I don't need anyone else. Not you or any

for the door. At the door,

u going

estroyed. For a long time I was sure that as soon as I opened up t

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