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Chapter 9 Deaf And Dump

Word Count: 1044    |    Released on: 29/12/2021

car has been ramped into my body. But when I teared up and he cleaned it up, I felt like, my worries could be taken away for once in my life.

lled a feeling for him but it isn’t enough to call it anything. I will make sure he agrees to this, even if I will have to seduce him. Oooh! Mir

steps out, she covers her head with the scarf on her neck. She

ther man emerges from the car dressed in a tuxedo and a handmade imported shoe, it blinks in the sun. The man looks stunning with his curled hair resting on

n her shoulders, she is dressed in a thin silk fabric, with her heels to match. It is as if they are going to a party in

eel a slight headache, you didn’t

aves her hand and starts walking forward with his hands in his pockets. He stops walking when he doesn’t hear

for? Let’s get you checked up

de and puts her arm around his but he

e because I am being nice

He sees this and nods in agreement. They walk on and ent

s to sit up on the bed with difficulty but then decides ag

nd what that man could do to me if he finds out about my identity. If he doesn’t know alre

he start

with Amos, they might be looking everywhere for me. And here

you shouldn’t be this foolish forgetting ab

ed and so he pulls it out. He forces himself out of bed and sits in the wheel even in pain,

lucky, and congratulation

llows before he hears a

y child. Doctor, as you should know, no one on this earth apart from the t

tor the

ot the only one you’ve brought here. I sh

rd but still not sure if he heard right or, he was

’t the one I

es out the doctor from his dress and then the young lady. He looks up to take a good look at the other person and as if feeling his stares on their backs, they turn to l

’t have hea

ead with a shaky smile

umb patients. He should be either deaf

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