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The Jock's Secret Crush

The Jock's Secret Crush

Author: KittyKash
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Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 803    |    Released on: 18/01/2022


ty fucked up life for a

omes, one where I was told I wasn’t needed, and the other where I w

t of when everything

o sappy, it would make the strongest person cry. And I wasn’t here to open old chapters, or rewrite them, or talk

really close to destroying it, but the st

h no one having a clue as to what kind of a p

happily get their hearts broken for, and someone who was for the lack of a better word, respect

y cared about, but I was here

I joined two months ago, and being the power


I mean, lots of

e of my teammates had a girl with the

any type of relationship, and she was more than okay with the arrangement of us fucking each other blind and going our w

n’t making me concentrate on

ered into my ear, and then her to

talking to one of the other girls. Her mousse brown hair were in curls, her oval face glowing beneath the moonlight

s girl would become my obsession and the star of m

continued to point fingers and screaming at him. While this went on, my teammates were discussing girls and bets. I wish

no idea what my

hat. Have you s

ane. “She’s well endowed in those areas.” I vaguely

be hiding a pornstar’s bod

hat these boys were talking abou

f you could fuck her by the end of this seas

or fifth beer. "We all know that's not gonna happen. She's


Make it two thousan

which girl these bunch of

ll this party, or this conversatio

g me on my back. "You have my word. You f

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