img The Outcast Alpha  /  Chapter 4 DEEP IN THE MOUNTAINS(PART TWO) | 9.76%
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Word Count: 1118    |    Released on: 20/03/2022

w a rope inside the

grab t

body. Raymond quickly re-grabbed the robe, bent down, and carried her away from the hole, dumping her on the

r some green leav

said, and the worms began to leave her body, much to her s

and Raymond could see her clearly after adjusting a piece of his white hair behind his ear. He thought she was stunning. He has never seen a more beautiful human being in his entire life. He approached her, stood in front of her, and touche

well, but she knew they were getting close. She began running with him,

g with this lady, those foolish men will run deep into the forest, not caring how it looks, and will almost certainly reach the mountain, which will b

ouldn't leave her, so he turned back and saw

y are you crying?

s happen to her before. If it hadn't been for the people who murdered her parents. Sh

d Selina nodded. Raymond took out a

rst,' he said politely, smiling. Sel

ing her. Thank Goodness. She was finally asleep, he couldn't use his powers in front of this human, it could scare her away. His fangs started protruding, 7 inches long and his eyes changed to shiny blue and his white hair got longer and the breeze aro

ss of this forest,'' he said as he smirked an


bed and looked around the room. The setting was stunning, with candles and diamonds adorning every surface, as well as jewelry and other trinkets. The place was even gleaming and white-painted. Wow, she had no idea there was such a place as paradise. It w

ery beautiful. She looked towards the river, and it was very shiny. She walked towards the river

vacation and visited this place. She suddenly remembered what had happene


wrong with you Raymond?" Derek

," Raymond replied,

with humans, and how are you so sure she'll survive once she sees you?" Der

, and I have to hel

rted, "Hel

by those people, and they could

hey always die,' Derek left the table and dropped the

ou can't

quired, and Raymond aver

the mountai


e mountains. You should know that no human has ever set foot o

push her out of there and h

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