img The Outcast Alpha  /  Chapter 6 LOVE BLOOMS(PART TWO) | 14.63%
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Word Count: 1629    |    Released on: 20/03/2022

ncle...,' she continued, fighting back tears. "We were having a party a month ago to celebrate our parents anniversary when the lights went out, ther

drinks, we would have died by now.' She shivered at t

, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. He couldn'

e, and because our clothes smelled like alcohol, they assumed we were drunk and ignored us, and when we showed them the blood stains on our bodies, Lisa and I assumed that would be enough evidence for the police to believe us. But we were wrong. They used it against us, claiming we were insane and that

ed us down. They were probably terrif

that po

e following us, and before we knew it, we were in the woods, and my sister was shot in the leg with a poisoned bullet?' Selina began sobbing as she said this. She couldn't believe how far she'd come in a month, and perhaps it was because Raymond was with her and she didn't have to wo

. Just trust in me, everything will be fine,' Ra

enraged within himself, and he wished he could find this uncle and strangle him to death. This man has caused so mu

bed his chest with the tip of her finger and said. "What about your parents?" Raymo

to her, and she's only human. "I never met my pa

I haven't seen him in

ome unless he completes his journey.' He lied through

s amazing, but haven't you ever felt lonely, like maybe you'd like to have frien


the subject. "Are you

she smiled as she kissed and sniffed his

ou hel

ith what?'

sister and li

aymond was surprised because s

y little brother, he's part of the family?' s

grant yo

ymond," she sa

e food Selina had prepared. She was not a

ister had been sold into prostitution, her cousin ha

he lied to her, telling her that everything was fine and that they were living happily. Selina was overjo

n't tell me you're already in l

r and intend to marry her

getting yourself into?" Dere

e said,

sure ab

ous with her,"

in the wolf pack?" He took a position in front of Raymond. "Did you forge

o marry her, and have you told


d is strange, you and I both know there's going to be trouble because she hasn't been punished yet and hasn't died by now, and also because you le

o happen, and besides, she's huma

old you that if you marry her, you're on your own, she's going to betray you, when she finds out who you are. And you just need to know one more thing. They're

know that she loves me, the w



. "If she really loves you, as you claimed to be, we shall see, how she r

sn't a wolf, the pack's leader, and tired of everything at the time. He's been alive for a t

It would be so much better if he could hide his identity forever and live a happily married human life with Selina, and he was going to find a way to turn himse

ht. He turned to face Selina, who smiled back. She stood up and sat on top of h

now, you wa

nd. Both of them moaned, and Selina jerked her head back and suddenly kissed Raymond on the lips. Raymond co


r. I really want you,' he sa


shot out a white load of ribbons inside her and m

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