img AURORA; THE QUEEN OF NULAND  /  Chapter 2 NEW QUEEN | 18.18%
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Chapter 2 NEW QUEEN

Word Count: 1725    |    Released on: 04/11/2022

t stop staring around, it was so beautiful and yet

red if the king had a meeting this late. She began to wonder how her presence at the p

her in, Princess Kallias

" The old lady says, Prince

ess Kallias asked curious

ing, so take a rest." she said scanning her

down at herself and back at th

ned by the beauty of the room. It had a dark vibe and was so expensive, she c

covered in white sheets. Princess Kallias

ext mo

ace. She turned to the other side, avoiding the sun. She yawned, reachi

ed wide, and she raised her head confused, she looked ar

ss Kallias looked at the door again, and

ss" the knoc

she was at the palace, it w

ement and sleepy eyes. Princess Kallias opens the door and spots two younger ladies outside

her. Princess Kallias 's mouth po

I'm just a guest to the king" she t

her said, Princess Kallias glares at

n, Princess Kallias reco

to her with a smile, and the

in disappointment, she had he

explain to them that I am-" Princess Kallias stops, and her face becomes

ed, Princess Kallias watched them bow, and she r

losed her eyes briefly "What's wrong with you guys" Princess Kallias a

s Kallias stood outside, not letting them i

ight, Your Highness"

her brows at her, she kept repeating that and

asked, with a

morning, I came as fast as I could," the lady said, the other at he

st night? While I was sleeping, why not wait during the day?" She stepped forward, confused and annoyed. "Is he

ing to calm her down, Princess Kallias

of you!!" She said angrily, and then realized her commanding tone, she swallowed, and bit her fin

en," the old lady explained, Pr

at...?" She s

incess Kallias could only stare at her speechlessly,


ss" she bows and

chest, identifying herself, "You mean me...


er lips and held her waist, then turned back to them "I want to go home," she blinked, waiting for their response. Everything is cr

ade a line blocking Princess Kallias from leaving the

at she expected, "I-I... um" she searched for words, "I don't want to see the

says so," the lady says, Princess Kallias looks around, she didn't com

hed her memory... Princess Kallias calmed down, staring blankly, stupefied. Could that have been her reason? Did she know about

blank with thoughts. Tears streamed down her eyes. "I want t

the orders are from the king

eyes shot wide at the lady, she

nd eat, Your Highnes

she was only seen in those pretty eyes. "Say that one more time!" She th

froze and made a sign

!" She drops, tears flowing from her eyes and she beg

leave you now

der, picking the things her hand c

it. Hearing the door lock, Princess Kal

eave!" She screamed

ter, the ro

ve least talked to me about this?" She snif

t was his fault she was here, she assumed. "I wouldn't be here if he didn't cheat

ess Kallias 's chest became heav

ng she had. "Why did he have to cheat on me?" She questioned, in a low tone. "If he wanted to he could've been with someone rather than his cousin!"

... Agghh! he said it was just his cousin!" she broke

our l

stared at the luminous moon shimmering bright into the room. She stared at the

our Highness, his Majesty needs you to eat," she said,

teps out, the door closed but not locked. Princess Kallias looked back and the lights from

allias peeked from the door, she found the lady walking awa

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