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Reading History

Chapter 3 : Ivy

Word Count: 2195    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

s everything within me not to reach out and stroke my fin

lick him

to run my tongue over




ht pack on

inition is lit

istic expression, I can appreciate the


ing you lik

es from eating him up. He uses the now wadded T-shirt to wip

finitely fe

that has my brain takin

ut become aware of the catcalls and whistles coming from all directions. Glancing around me,

. Wanting to distance myself from the


ening his mouth when I turn and bolt down the wide sidewalk. As I do, I can't resist throwing one last look

e's anything good about what just occurred, but I'm sure as hell wide awake now. I suppose that's an unexpected bonus regarding

s shake it off and move o

nning into that guy again are slim to none. At least that's wha

campus. I glance at my schedule. Room 305. I jog up two flights of stairs before heading down a long echoing corridor until

a heavy sigh of relief, I slide into a desk at the far side of the room and drop my bag to the floor befo

t of his (probably late at night when I'm feeling sexually frustrated), I

concerned, it

t spilling an entire drink on some unsuspecting stranger when the door to the classroom creaks open and in strolls Mr. abs of steel himself. Eyes bulging out

e even though I know there's absolutely no way in hell he'll recognize me. I mean, I had on

rough my fingers, I notice he's now wearing a bright blue T-shirt and his denim has been

. I'm clear across the room, parked near the wi

I was delayed o

of the entire class. I almost cringe waiting for it to happen because obviously I'm the one to blame for his

iliating example out of him to scare everyone els


it co

the deep end in a scary tirade revolving

s draw togethe

almost loo

.is she actua


ing. Yup, she's definitely blushing like some kind of tween coming face to face with one of the dudes from One Direction.

e me after class and I'll get you ca

n't directed at me, I'm embarrassed to admit that my panties flood with heat.

ives her a little win

s totally

o the door and parking himself near the front. All the girls in his general vicinity gravitate to

a little

ll is this

know who Ro

tly across from me. Unless this chick is a mind reader, I

to attend this class. Which prompts me to say with a touch of defensiveness

sense and I am no longer a hu

been a first-string wide receiver since he was a sophomore." She leans toward me as if she's about to reveal top secret information no

ther year." Her eyes dance with unmitigated excitement as if she has a personal stake in th

finitely gorgeous. But I'd also lay odds he's a cocky douchebag as well. I mea

ldn't be, "there's a website solely devoted to all things Roan Ki

snap together in disbelief. "Are you telling me this guy created a website so he can promote himself?" Oh, th

l playi

ously just


so g

ight allows people to track and post Roan King sightings and gossip. If you ever want to know what he's up t


king. I can't believe she's actually admitting it to a virtual stranger. How embarrassing. Of cou

some colle

lly hot coll

football?" I'm having a really hard time wrapping my mind around this. And I

re at Barnett. Like I said before, he's entering the draft in January. And well...just look at him." She flicks her hand in h

eat, so she's turned fully towa

legendary football star. Every time I catch myself staring at those wide shoulders, bulging T-shirt clad biceps, and inky black hair, I have to mentally chastise myself before refocusing my d

nstead of paying attention to Dr. Paulson as she outlines what we'll be learning this semester,

ep drawi

about it. And furthermore, I have no interest in learning anything about it either. When force

as I continue c

ess. And if our professor is any indication, he's probably been coasting thro

otball can actually b

nd throwing some oblong shaped ball to each other. And the game is constantly being stopped which only makes i

e? It's not like executing a perfect pirouette or adage or ba

r of. And not that Mr. football has any interest in me whatsoever, but after what hap

an j

l who obviously thinks he's god's gift to t


no thanks.

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