img King of Campus  /  Chapter 4 : Ivy | 6.45%
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Reading History

Chapter 4 : Ivy

Word Count: 1664    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

ure from the likes of Roan Ki

t nervously, I wait until Mr. abs of steel swaggers his way up front to speak with the professor. As I'm about to make a break for

missed. Regardless, I just want to put as much distance as I can b

iasco. Or, at the very least, he won't remember me specifically as the one w

ing student. He has to be gone by this point which means it's safe for me to finally get out of here. Gatherin

to snag a job at the local dance studio in town teaching ballet and tap to four and fi

ours a week works out perfectly for me. It's only about a mile from th

slide my sunglasses over my eyes. Today is a bright and gorgeous August day. With autumn on its way, I know this kind of


cing around. I keep on moving. Unfortunately, I forgot to pick up a s


coffee girl is. How embarrassing to be spoken to like that. She's probably some unfortunate barista who works at one of the cof

ccurs to me that I'm the poor and unfortunate coffee girl. Unconsciously, because-damn it, he seems to have that god-a

nd don't feel completely gob smacked. Plus, he's once aga

one, I yell back, "A

h together painfully because that was so not t

. "My name isn't coffee g

rom the brick wall he was leaning against. That's when I

who make up his fan club either, but guys as well. This dude definitely has the strangest


liva in my mouth instantly drying. He's so big and muscular. So unexpectedly graceful. I wish I didn't appreciate the beautiful lines of his sharply defined body, but I can't seem to help myse

y direction is so wel

ous. And he's clearly aware of the

for dam

ing my spine all the while trying to wrestle my traitorous hormones

ne. Which is completely ridiculous, I know. But still, that's exactly the way it feels. M

m an answer. God, I hope he hasn't asked a questi

name if it's n

hange before my gaze arrows back to his. For just a moment, I feel like Alice in

that po

e out cool enough to sound unaffected. Even t

hrugs those powerful shoulders basically telling me that-no, it really doesn't. Instead he steps

he's capable of some kind of crazy voodoo magic. "I have two hours to ki

ck to m

urs to

st a mi

iciously like he

, it's as if someone has ram

suggesting we go back to my place for a few hours and have," I pause as my voice low

n his eyes meander down my body. I can all but feel them licking over every sin

-hued eyes. I'm seriously cursing myself for not bothering with a padded bra th

ng on, so maybe it's not as bad as I'm imagining. There's certainly no way I can glance down and see for my

ting, "I usually like a girl with a littl

through me,

ean never, had anyone ta

d eyes feel as if they're blazing fire, as if they could burn him alive with one sing

give a shit. But don't you ever talk to me like that again! You've apparently mistaken me for one o

sn't say one damn word. Instead, his bright gaze holds min

run a marathon. Still frothing at the mouth, I give him one last fro

e of som

round, cof

, I don't bother dignifying that last parting shot with a co

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