img King of Campus  /  Chapter 9 : Ivy | 14.52%
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Chapter 9 : Ivy

Word Count: 1960    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

n legend on the football field in a business ethics class. Damn...

pecting just such a reaction, Professor Paulson nods her head as if to reconfirm what we're all hoping we somehow misheard. "Yes, that's right. Sixty percent. It will be worth more than anything els

ll of us. "The end result of your time and energy spent researching will be a thought-provoking paper

nd. "I'm going to run through the class list and pair everyone up today. We're going to spend about ten minutes going

ts enrolled in her course. After she reads off the second set of names, it becomes apparent that she's pairing people up alphabeti

er and Ro


to realize that he's already angled his body toward me. There




work w

rk by myself. With the eighteen-credit course load I have and working ten hours a week, I do

ket to each of us regarding what we're going to be working on for the ne


ought. The freaking king of campus, with his-what did Finn call them? Oh, that's righ

ves a damn about their grade and is going to do their fair share of the workloa

that's the resident d

d of class. My guess is that he's probably here on a football scholarship. From what I've heard, he's not ev


c scholarship and I ca

et together with our partners, I scurry toward her desk. Not wan

unately, do

calls out as I hustle tow

, not allowing my eyes to linger. "I have a few que

second week of school and I don't want her to think I'm difficult. On

hate gr

he glances over the black frames of

n sitting twenty feet away from me. "Um, well, I was wondering

letely thrown her for a loop. She'd probably assumed I had scurried up here t

problem working

cal ones. Turning back toward her, I lower my voice before admitting my concerns. "I, ah...this is a really huge project and I want to be paired with someo

t leaves me filled with unease. Her words are sharp and low when she finally asks, "And y

now. My gaze slides away from hers before

f partners for any reason other than someone dropping the class. And I do not believe Mr. King will be drop

Bosses, co-workers...we often find ourselves at odds with them but still, we must find a way to compromise and

suffer for it." She glances rather pointedly at the thin gold watch adorning her wrist, signaling that this subject ha

an is sitting with his long legs spread out in front of him. There's a slight frown marring h

There's a distinct edge to hi

hed, I force my e

us I'm going to be the brains of this operation. And, unfortunately, the labor as well. Roan will add his

being able to maintain a 3.5 grade point average. I can't afford to lose it. And I'm certainly not going to let getting stuck with this Neanderthal as a partner stand i

analyzing a case study would be research. And research is something I can handle on my own. Even though it'll take a lot

mi-narrowed eyes before nodding his hea

ve to discuss. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I notice we have about five minutes. I don't see a p


ght out of my though

you want to discuss what kind of case study we're going

ping at him in surprise. "Ummm

t is. This is a massive project worth more than half the points in this class. I have a tight schedule with my course load, practice, g

e's said because it kind of sounds like he ac

s sparking with anger. "You don't have to look so damned shocked. Contrary to

ut of the room before I can stutter out an embarrassed apology. As soon as he does, three girls huddle around me

his guy. Is it possible that Roan isn't the dumb jock I pegged him to be? I almost wince because I usually don't make snap j

at's not

to him than I'd i

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