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Chapter 2 What Should I Do

Word Count: 4888    |    Released on: 24/07/2023

re. It was so human for her not t

zi drown in her indecision. He act

ed Elzi's face and their lips

ter of seconds—seconds that she could not av

and confusion about her future left Elzi b


p of her head repeatedly. He did not loosen his embrace even a bit. He a

hat Ben's coaxing would have worked if he had been persuading a child who had just

You don't need t

at comforting statement. However,


e. He did not want to

everything that has happened between us to

all. Your tears won't change what has happened. Because if tears could

ire to scream in front of the guy and draw the attention

thing will change. We don't have Dorae

er something that has already happened? It's useless. Don't cry over

en's words, she bit her lower lip, allowing

ath. Seeing Elzi sil

eed to worry. You can hold onto my words. Thi

ry word spoken from Ben's lips. Yet, she remained silent.

If the girl wanted them to remain silent thro

ady engag

ain. Even without realizing it, she ment

After Elzi spoke, it was ac

arly next year,” Elzi continued, closing her eyes

ce. Instead, she shed more tears,

ven without the engagement drama, this accident would clearly be a problem. Let alone wit

used. Ironically, if she could choose, she would have

e next few months, Zi,” Ben whispered. “What

e his sentence. He just took a

to do is your right. I'll give you

d, but she was taken aback when she saw B

o,” Ben said, sighing. “And if you still choose t

ned made her agree with Ben. She was exhausted, and she needed to t

is hold on Elz

en said, looking at Elzi with uncertainty

car is at the repair sh

et me take you back right now. With all this mess, it would

t in front of her chest. She looked around and found onl

for, Elzi asked, “Where are my cl

However, he shrugged lightly and replied, “

! Drunk!” she exclaimed with frustration, especi

here's no way I'll go back just wearing a bra, right?

f jeans and put them on. Elzi's eyes widened, and she quickly turned away. In her h

did you put my clothes?! Argh! Am I s

s shirt, slipping it over his head. Then he grabbe


ack with just a bra on, r

g. Not only was the accident with Ben testing her patience, but now e

prising that the blazer miraculously covered Elzi's modest body down to the mi

ain legs and shook her hea

ure they'll all have a heart attack,” Elzi said, imagining h

ginity tonight. I don't w

. It seemed he could easily guess her thoughts.

e. You can wear that to go back. It's a good idea, right?” Ben suggested. “Besides, you can't wake u

r solution at that moment. Elzi

nothing left behind, including th

limpse of Elzi, who was stunned, staring at her phone screen. There was a

om her fiancé for the time being. Instead, she allowed Ben to

with the help of makeup, it could not hide the fact that her expression looked so distressed. It was clear evi

to accept or reject the invitation. Then,


u at CC Corner t

ed to


her body. It was like the feeling she got when she returned home late a

could not concentrate on her work at that moment. Especially when the even

n quickly went inside his house. And it did not take long for him to come back with a skirt in his hand. To so

ndry. It was an undeniable fact when the creases from where it was folded were still visible on the soft


of wearing a skirt without underwear! Luckily, they were in a car yesterday. What if they

th an emotion-laden voice. “How could


mber she had a work-appropriate bun on her head. It wa

dress I wore to t

ary! Now? The money is gone, and

er to madness, making her inclined to decline Ben's invitation. But then, Elzi realized. Nob

Elzi replied to the me



r car at the office. Being stuck in a car during traffic jams was the last thing she wanted, especially with her unstable emot

he possible choices she had to make. At this point, she believed

ling her engagement. That would not be an easy thing

ved. What if she refused and ended up getting pregnant? Wouldn't that bring her multiplied s

ng she had to carefully consider. Making the wron

mediately enter. She observed the plac

ngout spot. He always likes pl

d. Scanning the place, she spotted Ben sitting at a table

ith an unreadable expression, he welcomed her. As Elzi took her seat,

to the menu, Elzi pointed

shake his head the next se

l the waiter and placed their order. After the waiter left, a silence s

and drinks on the table before leaving them alone. Not immediately starting their meal, Elz

r spaghett

l sip before picking up her fork to taste the food. It was tasty, but her unsettled emotions hindered her

Is it not good? Are you

slightly, showing minimal interest in Ben's

ed experiencing any s

urrowed her brow

at Reese mentioned at the beginning of her pr

making his cheeks turn red, “Do you think pregnancy is like

h, Ben asked another question that furthe

believe what she was hearin

just asking,”

zi retorted with a glare. “Pregnancy doesn't happen

s taken aback by her own thoughts. The id

wait that l

while Ben seemed to thoroughly enjoy his lunch. Suddenly, the thou

I could sudde

saying, “I want to marry this guy only. Because the


down her spine even without a command. Because it was clear that if she s

e existence of this creature with him, why did you get engaged to the other g

r parents would be furious if she cancelled the engagement, espec

ice shoul

ked lips. Strangely enough, it caught Ben off guard, causing him to set down his spoon on t

e a decision soo

ing me to decide. I know I have to make a decision. But it's not eas


ook a deep breath before continuing, “Like I said last night, I will mar


to add dramatic effect to his statement, “decide now. Should we wait for a m

ng? Oh, m

felt nauseous

kind of rapidly developing

t married, the sooner, the better. Do you want

in horror at Ben's words.

,” Ben continued. “Do you think marriage is like

r chest. She looked sarcastic as she continued, “I study for exams a month bef

is that my exam scores are always better than yours. In

tinued to steer the conve

i. You're exactly the same as before,” Ben sa

Ranger? Wonder Woman?” Elzi ask

Catwoman's costume. I prefer girls who like to bite


the menu flew. All he felt was the pain and surprise that ma

ous for a moment

ous this whole time. It's you who hasn't been answering my questions.” He defended himself, “Yo

posed to mean?!”

month before making a decision

hat he unconsciously messed up his hair th

ut there. There's no guy who would take responsibilit

the kindness of a p

lity that you might end up pregnant with my child? Um... can you imagine how he would


down on Elzi. Ben's words left her stun

.” Ben paused, pretending to think for a

eplied weakly.

tinued his earlier ques

r relationship with her fiancé. On the other hand, she did not want to take any risks. In th

er. Right now, I need to

ive?” h

e the traffic? I'm not stupid enough to be stuck in a car because of traffic. Besides, my mind is p

his hand to call the waiter, he said,

hey both got up and prepared to leave, Elzi flipped her l

d. Looks like you're starting to feel those little jabs now. Well...

zi settled herself comfortably. There was no small talk or any accompanying chatter. Even when the car started moving, slowly exiting the café area, and mergi

he road, Elzi suddenly realized something. She turned to Ben, raising

w where my

, you rambled on about it more tha


s guy? I even mentioned my office? Um... well, it's not that surprising, I guess


n expected, they arrived in front of her office. Deliberately, she asked to be dropped

diately without saying anything to Ben—not even a t

don't you have some

y? Um...” she hesitated for a moment. “Actually, there isn't anything.

t is

ing a deep breath. “We tried it before.” Her eyes dramatically closed for a mo

ise on his cheeks b

ntinued. “You... are the last guy

n chose to r

o maintain my enga

action. His eagle eyes gave Elzi

sponsibility for my actions that night. Show a

? Which good relationsh

miled in a way that made Elzi

ountable. In fact, it's the opposite, right? Guys never end up being the disadvantaged party. So, if you reject my of

he was hearing, Elzi gap


shocked by Ben's words. Her hea

regnant alone. But if you don't want to hold me accountable, then fine. I won't marry

eaky fox! Squidward's nose!” she hissed with emotion. “What if that

slowly approached Elzi until their eyes met. “Though I have to be


ay, I will gladly cher

r and confusion. She could not believe his audacity and lack of remorse. In that moment, she rea

er body insta

u marry Mario or anyone else, it's up to you. Whether you marry your fiancé while being pregnant with your ex-boyfriend's child, it's

She never expected Ben to say such thin


p at the tip of Elzi's tongue. Intending to scold the guy, Elzi was surprise


body to helplessly land on Ben's body. Instantly, both her hands were lifted. Trying to push him away, but not

n g

. With the fact that Ben's lips were devouring hers? Oh, not t

deeply. Giving a moan that sounded sensual. Then, he devoured her tongue with an intoxicating rhythm. Finally, Ben

ickly wiped her wet lips. Indeed, she would

herous psychopath in

mmed Ben's car door with all her might. Then she ran

ly not. God was kind enough to make me break up with hi



Chapter 1 The Fucking Reunion Chapter 2 What Should I Do Chapter 3 Problem After Problem Chapter 4 Which Do You Choose Crocodile Mouth or Tiger Mouth Chapter 5 Half of the Choices Decided Chapter 6 Unavoidable
Chapter 7 Chaos
Chapter 8 The Following Shadow
Chapter 9 In Spark
Chapter 10 The Commotion Trap
Chapter 11 The Three Forms of Chaos
Chapter 12 A Little Hope
Chapter 13 Snapshot of the Incident
Chapter 14 The Inescapable Touch
Chapter 15 Behind the Incident
Chapter 16 Curiosity
Chapter 17 Question Mark
Chapter 18 Form of Presence
Chapter 19 Omen Signal
Chapter 20 Back Over and Over
Chapter 21 Faint Reason
Chapter 22 What Is Up with Him 1
Chapter 23 What Is Up with Him 2
Chapter 24 Unexpected 1
Chapter 25 Unexpected 2
Chapter 26 Helpless 1
Chapter 27 Helpless 2
Chapter 28 Flash of Consciousness
Chapter 29 Information Stream 1
Chapter 30 Information Stream 2
Chapter 31 The Next Guesses 1
Chapter 32 The Next Guesses 2
Chapter 33 Shocked 1
Chapter 34 Shocked 2
Chapter 35 Time To Pay 1
Chapter 36 Time To Pay 2
Chapter 37 Time To Pay 3
Chapter 38 About The Leaving 1
Chapter 39 About The Leaving 2
Chapter 40 Nobody’s Perfect
Chapter 41 Unnoticed
Chapter 42 The Strand of Togetherness 1
Chapter 43 The Strand of Togetherness 2
Chapter 44 Gaze Color
Chapter 45 Lip Knot 1
Chapter 46 Lip Knot 2
Chapter 47 Should be Aware 1
Chapter 48 Should be Aware 2
Chapter 49 Should be Aware 3
Chapter 50 Stunned by Surprise 1
Chapter 51 Stunned by Surprise 2
Chapter 52 Open Challenge 1
Chapter 53 Open Challenge 2
Chapter 54 Set the Strategy 1
Chapter 55 Set the Strategy 2
Chapter 56 First Kiss 1
Chapter 57 First Kiss 2
Chapter 58 Morning Greetings
Chapter 59 Greeting Surprise 1
Chapter 60 Greeting Surprise 2
Chapter 61 Greeting Surprise 3
Chapter 62 Greeting Surprise 4
Chapter 63 Replay-Back 1
Chapter 64 Replay-Back 2
Chapter 65 Proximity Explanation 1
Chapter 66 Proximity Explanation 2
Chapter 67 Warning Signal
Chapter 68 Crazy Decision
Chapter 69 Second Proposal
Chapter 70 Overflow
Chapter 71 A Piece of Memory
Chapter 72 The Unbreakable
Chapter 73 The Fear Knot
Chapter 74 Tons of Feelings
Chapter 75 Voice of Promise
Chapter 76 Welcoming Sensation
Chapter 77 Most Appropriate Place
Chapter 78 Ignited by the Situation
Chapter 79 Second by Second
Chapter 80 Faultless Feeling
Chapter 81 Knotted by Shadow
Chapter 82 Causes at a Glance
Chapter 83 Not the Beginning
Chapter 84 Bound by Vow
Chapter 85 The Wedding Presents
Chapter 86 First Night or Second Night
Chapter 87 Trapping Each Other
Chapter 88 The Colors of Every Time
Chapter 89 Not Without Cause
Chapter 90 A Big Boy
Chapter 91 Continuity of Incidents
Chapter 92 Traces of Alienation
Chapter 93 Vaguely Neglected
Chapter 94 A Little Shake
Chapter 95 Disappointed Explosion
Chapter 96 Crushed by Shocks
Chapter 97 A Glimmer of Fear
Chapter 98 The Song of Death
Chapter 99 Point of Surrender
Chapter 100 The End of Doom
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