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Chapter 3 Badly Behaved

Word Count: 1505    |    Released on: 24/08/2023


hree: Badl

s phone. He was so engrossed in his phone, that

videos, chatting with one foreign woman or the other, and even going to their website to browse out their videos. This is what Xa

, and at the end of the day, he have sex with one or two ladies. This exercise repeats itself

make anything useful out of his life, and his parents were tired of him already. Mr Nicole has already gotten a

it was obvious that Xavier doesn’t even care about himself. They all could just hope and pray he realizes him

d enjoying himself. But his enjoyment was suddenly short lived when his

his phone when he heard

, but he pretended not to hear her calling. Xavier d

or. She twisted the door knob and pushed it open, only to find Xavier seated on th

s while she was calling, but he de

f him. But Xavier did not even bother to take hi

wing it at him. And because of this, Xavier’s phone fell on his face, almost fallin

y are you disturbing my life?” He yelled,

name for some minutes now, or were you deaf? I even stood in front of you, calling you.

rtant to say. What would you be calling me for?

imed, and Xavier thr

s talks? I have nothing imp

I have things to do” Xavier said calmly. He was try

ighed, and then sh

taking his calls. Why?” Mrs Nicole asked,

id I have things to do, so please can you

cole shook her head. “Your dad forget some

impatiently, giving

g them to him at the

He wants me, Xavier, to get his files for him.

re. He did not ask you to come and stay in his office, he just wants you to

ou wanna lure me into going to that office. But let me tell you something mom, it won’t work! I’m ne

?” She

he answere

cash you’ll walk to the same offic

n’t need to do that any

’re the heir to that same company you know” Mrs Nico

oring! You should try something else” he scoffed. And Mrs Nicole could

lf Xavier, you sound like

since I grew up? I’m used to it already” he said carelessly. Mrs Nicole jus

ge words with you, just go give you

going” Xavier

papers weather you like it or n

ing anything. I am not going and that’s final, there’s no

So who’s go

etter still you can still go by yourself, he is yo

he called o

et me be! What nonsense is this, can’t I

have peace in this house. Not until you do what you’re

calls from any of you, I swear I’ll smash my phone if I see any” Xavier announced angrily, getting on his feet

him, but he didn’t even bother turning

let out a tired sigh. She began to regret, she shouldn’t have l

house, so he could leave freely. But honestly, Xavier is just so troublesome these days, he’s been

car. And immediately he got into his car, he brought out his p

, and then ended the call immediately, not even waiting for the receiver’s response. He put

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