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Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1536    |    Released on: 16/09/2023


ice. I purposely made my footsteps heavy, hoping the sound would alert him to my approach. I

d a large wooden desk covered in papers, some of which were stained with the remnants of spilled beer from his

his back to me, seemingly unfazed by my presence. "Yes, father

a bombshell. "You are my youngest child and my only daughter," he declared, his to

t powerful mafia families Fear seeped into my voice as I responded, "They control one of the largest mafia organisa

week, and you will make a favourable impression. There will be consequences if you fail to com

gs heavy in the air when my father is around. "Yes, father,

chair away from me. A single tear escaped my

ad just dropped on me. Every step felt heavier with the weight of

this man, Ghost. For all I knew, he could be a person of many vices—abusive, aggressive, violent, boisterous, or, worst of all, a heavy drinker like my own father. Not to mention that Ghost's reputation within M

le knock on my door. "Danni?" my mother's voice whi

the sadness to wash over me. My mother embraced me tightly, offering the little solace she could.

't change the situation, so I wo

d my back, attemp

wouldn't have allowed it if I had known sooner," s

sighed, hugging my

arly Miles." My mom shook her head in disappointmen

with him. I had four other brothers, making a total of five. Miles, Carlo

rd of Spanish. He used it to communicate with his friends and mafia associates, ensuring

y mom spoke soothingly as she tucked a loose strand of my hair behind m

iving me a hug before noti

ed with concern, drawing the a

sure them, and then I took my seat at the table. I wat

, how was your day?" Daemon inquired. My father stared at me stern

rted cutting into my own steak. They all gave me a few curious

of the table, grabbing our attention immediately. All my brothers i

t you are doing imm

eclared, standing his ground. I saw his fac

allowing this?" Mil

king." My father shouted at Miles, caus

my rules or

My father's voice ec

in slammed his fist o

his?" Daemon yelled

pointed furiously at me while my mother tried to calm him

of my brothers, and I stayed silent

; it's happening whether you boys agree with it or not." My father stormed out of the kitchen, leavi

ed out of the room. He was mor

rlos warned me, poin

y put this argument to rest. I knew no one could change m

head as he walked by, making me smile slightly. Daemon, Justin, and Carlos followed clo

nd shook m

They still treat

mamá spoke up, staring at the

mumbled as a tear ran down her cheek. "Mamá, it's okay; it's no

so angry, but it was out of my power; I just ho

hand. "I love you, my baby." She grabbed m

? You understand, right?" My mom looked at me with a questioning

" I finally confessed,

rself to this house fo

ol?" I fretted, my e

ost permits it," she replied, her

. Although I hadn't heard anything specific about him, it was as if ev

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