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Once Rejected, Twice Mated

Once Rejected, Twice Mated

Author: Susu Pearl
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Chapter 1 Where Was I

Word Count: 1172    |    Released on: 17/03/2024


at the sight of the huge gate. It was a place I never dreamt I coul

, a monster f

I had refused the offer but then I ha

ked more like an assassin beckoned to me. I walked br

could confirm if truly I was asked to co

d I was invited by the Beta's wife

he guards, who seemed like their head, signaled

lled when I started to take sl

e. The same way I was excited was the same way fe

gory was to everyone, especially those who wronged

someone you shouldn't mess with, someone who wasn't scared o

l Alpha feared by everyone in

h!" I encouraged myself

ould be my punishment if I made

ement. Just as expected and how those who had gotten the chance to

hrough the huge gate, it was impossible to se

re staring at?" The burly guard

by the surroundings that I had totally forg

ve?!" One of

rst place. I apologized for my rash ignorance and hurr

and it didn't take us a minute befo

eted Mrs. Rigby with a g

ile curled on her lips as she strutted toward

what a beautiful girl you are!" She sings sweetly, com

s. Rigby." I greeted,

e a gesture, st

om, they've been anticipating you," she gushed out

As the Pack tutor, I taught the infants pub some certain things they need

e them?" Lolita asked and her two

dren. I smiled at them and

t a human," I told them but their e

rgy is weak unlike us," I added for more understand

ooked around the room and saw that there was no water in the bottle they h

ask mom f

appreciate it," I sa

and Lolita still wasn't ba

water," I said to myself as I gaze at her other sibling

called on


side, I need to check on your sister,

ction I saw Lolita go through. It was like a

't find her, I sniffled in the air to catch her scent. That li

first building in the palace

ight lead to another chamber. But that was after I shut the first door to avoid the other kids from

If I can't find that little brat, I won't e

I would find Lolita as soon as possible so I wouldn't get into tr

wouldn't li

a sweet strawberry fragrance, very alluring and it made my body become very active. B

gripped me and I saw myself inside another chamber with someone, pinning

e wa

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