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Chapter 4 Burning Desires

Word Count: 601    |    Released on: 04/04/2024

ounded. "You ar

y handsome man, but she had never met Vincent in her

ow gripped by fear. He even wanted to cover his ears, for he couldn't

throw her into the river to feed the fi

left with the doctor at once. Now, Emily

ks. Since the effects of the aphrodisiac

e feeble, she didn't kno

. Upon looking up, she realized s

His voice was low and dee

dumb. Under Vincent's meaningful gaze, Emily swallowed hard and whispered, "I was set up. M

rowned at

e walking into your room will damage your reputation, so they figured you

hing did happe

e coming closer to hers. Looking straight into his


y blinked and said nervou

ced at her, looking in


o different from

back." Vincent pointed at a b


back and said, "I c

is two arms pressed against the wall abo

der bursting her eardrums. "You stayed in my room for an entire

lly out of he


-past ten in the evening. Beverly looked elegant and calm,

The Scavos also sent men to h

Beverly was so angry that s

enly grabbed her

t her, impatient

nd tugged at her mum's sleeve w

ust go straight to the point. I've told you

ence, she looked in that direction a

Beverly cried o

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