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Academy 360: Cultivation Games

Academy 360: Cultivation Games

Author: Writes Nova
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Chapter 1 Sex Addict

Word Count: 1833    |    Released on: 04/04/2024


is face in between my legs. His skillful tongue and lips continued to pay loving attention to my sopping wet pussy. I felt my nipples hardening as he ran the tip of his hot tongue up

him, I am also a hunter but our power level is very different. He was not my teacher but still he taught me how to hunt. When I met him today in

ngue on my swollen and sensitive clit before sucking on it roughly. "Samuel! Ahhh!" I cried out his name loudly at the intense sensation of him sucking on the small s

face. "Samuel...if we continue...I will be late..." I said breathlessly. My mind felt hazy with heat and desire, and it took all the

take much longer..." Samuel said in between

he texture of his tongue grinding against my pussy walls felt addictively pleasurable. I covered my mouth with the back of my hand as

amuel gripped the sides of my hips in his strong and large hands while his mouth sucked on my pussy. His tongue wriggled relentlessly inside of me. If

spots and I clutched at his hair while I lifted my hips,

" I screamed so loudly as I forgot about everything else but the

did someone hear me? No, we are alone here, between these trees and bushes. I felt his tongue sliding slowly out of me and I began to recover from my intense org

reactions intently. "You cum so much into my mouth..." he said, sounding very satisfied. That comment and the way his eyes twinkled with mischief made me feel slightly s

I whispered shyly as I looked

so sweet..." he

tongue quickly invaded my mouth and I gasped a little in shock before moaning into his hot and wet kiss. He's making me taste my own cum which is not bad, I guess. He is right, I ta

d a little at the sight of my dreamy face as our lips parted. I opened my eyes to find his enchanting amber eyes staring at me and I smiled sweetly at h

ower levels to protect my family; my father and my sister. More than that I need them for my survival. My power level dropped just because of one rule: No s

eat when he began to caress my stomach. I just cum heavily because of his tongue, I don't know how I can take his long dick. But I was excited, I can't wait to feel him inside me. "I know you have ju

tened my skirt and took the gun and aimed at the shooting board. Samuel also quickly came and stood behind me. He wrapped his arms around mine and aimed my gun accurately. I can feel his hard

o I'm safe. I smiled at my father and he nodded too. I don't like hi

aid with a soft smile on his face. "S

plied while touching his dick

ank god my father can't see my aura which predicts my power level as his

is damn shit. My brain is still hazy and I can't wait to get fucked. I closed my eyes and took a heavy breath. I open my eyes again and start

ng monsters when you don't know the basics?" Its true learning gun is basic in hunter's world and with this I can just kill a rabbit....a monster rabbit not an innocent one. But how

ies were hanging. Looking in the same direction my father was about to turn his head but before that my father's friend Mr. Lando

. "I will show you my skills tonight at home." My dad sighs and

rs with which he touched my panties. My blood boiled at his reaction, how dare he. I know I'm sex

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