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Whispers of possession

Whispers of possession

Author: Mich sy
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Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1234    |    Released on: 04/04/2024


tand there!

dressing room. Rosette's worried gaze

problem?" frown

I saw him outsid

her chair and pulled L

you s

kly nodd


he beginning was that no one should know

bag to check if he texted her about his a

the doorknob hit the wall due

e landed on her. She can see his jaw clenc

with big bodies and both bald. Th

home." he said in an

what the.

by." His face showed no emotion,

t be the second time she felt his anger. First time

t walk towards it. Arlo immediat

arrival of Gideon. And then he almost los

have to sh

re facing each other. He noticed Arlo's look here tha

ng hands but he remained motionless. "Yo

director is telling you something." he

mediately let out a breath, as if h

ioned and took her

d just let her carry hi

le flight it was quiet but still holding

y their guards and maids but none of them greeted bac

is hand. She watched him walk over to the

ollowed h

s entire body until it stopped at her lips. The sa

ught of it m

tar but also at himself. Why

he kitchen counter causing Ros

e tried to read through his mind but h

en he carried her up the stairs

are you doing?!” he whined

anymore when he just grabbed her waist at the sa

on her chest to push but with his size and height it was un

e from his arms, the more A

eel what he felt at those times, in

. He didn't care and aggressively removed hi

osette's voice trembled as s

happen if Arlo goes ahead with whatever he

y don't want to have children yet b

re, they discovered how fertile Arlo is. Which mea

doesn't want to use protection and he doesn't want Rosette to take birt

d kissed her cheek down her neck. A mōan escaped

e.. stop this

stopped, he might

would I? You're married to me, which makes you my

about it,

tter it releases has an emphasis. "How d

w did he know? Can he go home without a word?

. “It was ju

n on the bed and pinned her underneath him. H

aby." he whispered. “I feel so fckng angry, I want to rip that

ll Gideon right there but he d

hair stand on end. Arlo started planting kisses o

r a moment to


you're sc

that's when Arlo stopped. His gaze soft

ars from flowing. She was scared. She feels that

she started sobbing. He gently sat her

, regret in his voice. “I'm so

e you." s

e gently pulled her close

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