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Chapter 4 04

Word Count: 1508    |    Released on: 25/04/2024

the day before. As bad as she might be feeling, she knew she needed to be strong and face r

ise her in front of the coffin, pretend he didn’t care, hug Irma, and leave. He could even feel the contempt running through his veins. But deep down, she did

ugh half a dozen parked vehicles, looking for Anton

was not

e him, and that this had come to an end. Giovanna shoul

ces. He tried to hide the uncomfortable feeling i

grandfather seemed to be the only one

dges seemed like a common feeling in that family. The father Giovanna never met was a rich but married man, who saw in Irma an adventure to the boredom of his own marriage. But what Irma did not imagine was

zing that there was no one else with her. Giovanna even tried to find a

he reminded him of the fact, “he alr

na even forgot that his gr

see herself for so long away from those who really

ebuted on her daughter’s body. Many people brought flowers to Gina, and there were relig

y reason she was humiliating Giovanna, “never supported the idea of Gina being more beautiful and

judging and horrified looks at

rma? Whispered, “Let me sa

e you should g

pproach Gina’s coffin, but felt a hand hold her

did not recognize him. In fact, there were many un

ent, was completely paralyzed witho

saw the woman approaching. “This story you’re

much of what Irma had said was true, but she would never tur

a could always reverse the whole situat

erate act, to say goodbye to her sister, but was pushed by the man, losing her balance and fa

yone there to give, thus, the last goodbye to Gina

d Anton

face gloomy and cold. Her eyes rested on hers, but her ex

ordered in a lo

to my sister,” a tear mingled wit

ut you should know your mother well enough to

there def

to.” he stared at her coldly

ness with you.

o save you fro

he hand and pulled Giovan

” he let go, walked away f

t before she could, a car stopped

nd that was heard was the drumming of rain hitting the

ont of a house, and t

ything that’s been

d, looking at the proper

or a divorce.” Xavier took some documents out of the briefcase t

her an

on, and fifty percent of Anton

nything,” she remembered the words of

las left for you, and you w

ot out of the car and headed towards the house. Despite the smell of disinfecta

ould be written there that Xavier could not tell you personally? It took a while to get the pa


eserved your love, and I figured it out too late. I know Antony well enough to know that he would never confess love to him, and would treat her with arrogance and coldness until the last day of his life. May you forgive me for the horrible mistake that culminated in so much suffering. Knowing the possibility of divorce after my dea

ove, N

ad been pierced a million times. Tears burst from the corner of her face,

r, landed on the table, and left. It didn’t matter anymore,

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