img Steamy Affairs(erotica)  /  Chapter 3 3 | 60.00%
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Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 902    |    Released on: 06/05/2024

assaulted me so I proceed to walk out of th

? Come and taste the food you pre

ed something to it then don’t ea

of my hair and inserted my face into the food

re already teary as I weep, holding my scalded face, I re

you push

and dragged me into my room. He rushes to get c

o sorr

uty and Kennedy ju

mark” he said like he read my mind. I fel

petroleum jell

my dressi

he pain had already lessened. He kept the cold compressor on the bed and applied th

ght out a nonstick banda

“I did as he said as he applied tap

id to him whe

hope you can forgive me”

as you don’t do it again” his

d.” he grinn

this house, I vow to de

ssential since I’m


r decided to g

good t

he said rubbing the una

iss that left me stunned. I hurri

ong. You’re my bro

t got carried awa


o order f

ut lectur

because my dad may atte


ou remember?” he

he bed. I tried taking my mind off Kenne

to be captured tomorrow morning. He meddling in my affairs might jeopardize my agenda of selling h

my opinions. No one w

part open because of the voc

o see Kennedy conv

wake “I glared a

ing on her

u have become a huge liability that I can no longe

you? My dad sends you money on a weekly basis for my welfare”. Amazement

of and as long as you are under m

felt tears slid down my eyes. He proceed

r to my boss so, you ha

? Fuck you c

ider Caleb liberating you. When he

you do t

worked wonders” he grinned w

and I curse the day

a harsh la

e with us to Lagos to

al” I said and th

gh handle you so its bes

lted and imposed severe agony on me and when I assume

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