img Melting Her Cold Heart  /  Chapter 3 Pushing Her Buttons | 60.00%
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Chapter 3 Pushing Her Buttons

Word Count: 1598    |    Released on: 08/05/2024

houted, raisi

from her head, spli

taring at Everest who was lookin

She yelled, hard

o it right?

e the papers on my

ur head, I was only obeying a

casm is used in a senten

ection, I'm no

morseful, no sorry f

said it without you reminding me" He smir

he papers"

picked the papers, p

nd you are this rude, I'm t

age with you, what sho

ot wider when she saw the presentation he made...Gosh!! In just twenty minutes, he was able to

a ma

t the presentation

said, placing bundles


se files before this week e

" He asked, and

rrogantly, resting

bundle of files

d time working here,

a seat, and he started studying the files immediately. He's a fast asi


ane works, Everes

she walked into the

, and she was praying silently

ouched her from the back and she gasped shocking

o barge into a house unnoticed?" She heard th

called, sig

he boss seeing you?" He laugh

is the boss around


e ask of me?

up for you" he rep

u Newton"


She rolled eyes at hi

and foll


car in the company

to open the door fo

our guard" He replied,

ork fo


yles" Sh

ink I will open the door for you" He said,

him, a guard opened the door for her,

said, and he rai

at?" He

you should be grateful my phone is going to contain your number" S

mber to her and she

place" She said an

ked arr

and without checking he knew who


face as he kept dialing Myles's number, it kep

anager called,

" He

Myles? He's not p

, he's not picking my calls too" Rol

customers kept leaving as

lady said an


s Mk?" S

will be back in a

in a minute" She said an

alking about? You d

eached the level of knowing each other's hous

where ar

text on his phone


e text and

e said and came

the female workers in that flo


im all day witho

so h

o Jennifer's floor. He came out of the e

g about his handsomeness till h

ng on her laptop,

this place is your house? Oh! Sorry you don

He asked, her words go

e said, throwing


you surprised?"

Your secretary should be the one t

d since you work for me

lunch" He replied,

ill send everyone packing out of that house"

and looked

e said and he sq

cash, glaring at her as he left t

ou are a tough one" She said and sto

able, Paige kept sending files upon files and he has come to r

but he can't leave his work to go and eat, he can't give her th

aned, tapping

Paige's office, and she smil

iled, and h

eturned t

ed" She said,

finish th

with me, you can contin

" He polite

said with a flirty smile before

out of her office, and she s

dropped the pen. It's time for

d he saw Paige

, he took the necessa

't say s

y sweet voice?" He smi

ing with me, you wi

ee then"

the meeting hall, a


like he's going to trek" Jennif

e reason to harden

d she was about to cal

her phone an

ou so long?"

h" He replied with a creepy

n the table and she

aw him smiling so s

instead of bringing out a lunch

this?" She sn

nse, you need it , enjoy" He replied,

nifer's neck cam


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