img The CEO's Fabulous Ex-Wife  /  Chapter 1 Nothing about Zora is ever urgent. | 2.38%
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The CEO's Fabulous Ex-Wife

The CEO's Fabulous Ex-Wife

Author: Lucia Love
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Chapter 1 Nothing about Zora is ever urgent.

Word Count: 1478    |    Released on: 11/05/2024

he Gannon mansion reported on the phone. The man

r." The line died immediately. The butler was

g weak from abdominal pains. Trying to mask th

when he turned in her direction. “Madam,

ys, and she was missing him so much. This sickness seemed to be

t his child. Both of them were caught in a scandal two years a

it all. “When everything calms

fully hers, so her hopes were high. However, over time, she found him slowly drawing away

ra for a divorce but chanced upon the pregn

born, but don’t expect to remain Mrs. Gannon. That title

returned home, barely got intimate with her. The only reason

rk since he was the CEO of the Gannon Group, a multibillion-d

m for five years, but that drunk night at her best frien

the news. Ezrah could not allow the scandal to ruin his well-kept reputation and cause him los

with him, was excited about the

up towards her, but that did not happen. Even in

a’s phone beeped, and looking a

d of a beautiful woman, a proud sm

eigniting his love for his o

hey dropped down her cheeks, she refused

he got pregnant for him. He never even warmed up to women. The

sed to meet them at the hospital, so the media mus

ould not help the unease in her he

icate with him through the butler, Zor

iven up, but due to the unease in her heart because of the news, she coul

ora feel less of a woman.

er to touch his phone, but this woman casually answered his call, and was he real

d themselves out of her mouth.

fiancée. A

ora responded calmly. The pain of t

hey could live in peace for the sake of the baby in her

moved the phone from her ear to h

, I could drop a message

t work, it was a great disappointment that he was with the

e morning sickness and other health issues, Zora had ta

to doubt all the responses she got from Rudolph

o call me.” Zora

. Since he never allowed anyone to answer their calls during meetings, he

he bedroom. Before Piper spoke, he asked again, “and I made it clear

he faked anger. “Is it wrong for me to come? We w

ove life private. He and Piper had been

rty of one of his business partner’s sister, Piper

Zora, an incident that should have been brushed

apologetically married Zora, promising Piper to divorc

the pregnancy test result after promising

he press. We shouldn’t be seen together.” Ezrah’s voice was stern. It was bu

e relayed, “I could be your confidential secretary. P

ell thought out. It wasn’t easy for him to be the CEO of

others would begin to fight for

h his phone when he cau

ed with a smile, her fingers sliding over her exposed thi

ned a little. He wanted to keep Pip

a sitting position, and due to the long slit of the dress, her full t

nswer my calls again.” His

. “I’m sorry. I tho

as he spoke roughly, “Nothin

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