img Alliance: Book Three of The Channel Riders  /  Chapter 3 Alliance | 9.38%
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Chapter 3 Alliance

Word Count: 3303    |    Released on: 26/02/2018


jamin had been fairly quiet. For her part, she was trying not to dwell on past events and focus on the upcoming ones. As they approached the channel, Elena could see it like a worn spot in her fa

As she corrected her course and adjusted the ship to sail in planetary waters instead of the black between the stars, Benjamin opened the galley and stepped onto the deck. E

g?" She called out through the

ra pronounced the fish we caught before free of human harming toxins, I

e said, stil

ures of all of the fish we caught before so that we could have a comparison. It makes quite a colorful mural to

had been almost as downcast as Benjamin when his first catch had gone into the samples category rather than the dinner table. As she

at it until Elena thought they were stocking up for winter. She didn't complain any though once dinner was served. Even though

arty was waiting. Elena secured the ship and she and Benjamin took the dinghy from the Storm Chaser to the docks. Her cousin Mateo caught the rope Benjamin tossed and sec

teo asked e

a, hi, how was the trip?

? Did you meet any interesting people? And

he rest of the details we can go through once everyone is present earthside. I

oop and grabbed her around the middle. He spun her around a few

ut well?" Kiera said, amus

." He looked to Elena and she nodded again in confir

ut about seasons here as well as what sort of creepy crawlies lurk when we are not around." Mateo said pointing out some of the changes since she had last be

. We might be able to pull it off next season though." Mateo shrugged, disappointed, but expecting the answer nonetheless. Elena spotted the mounds of waterproof crates

ney blonde hair was braided and wrapped around her head. A black scarf was tied over the impromptu coronet and Elena thought it served the same purpose as Mateo's ball cap. Both looked tired, but ecstatic. Maria and Jasmine, the

ke she was picking up the kids from summer camp as all four of the people in front of her nodded in unis

At dawn Elena cast off while the others slept. In the red gold light of early morning she saw the Crazy Chicken weigh anchor and follow. Before they turned in, Elena and M

ld vary with the seasons. Checking her log book she found that there had been little variati

weight they were hauling it would be close when pushing through the Marta. When they reached the Marta, Elena's ship, the Storm Chaser went fi

Thompson's crew used as base. If spotted then she would run up a green flag. Maria's crew would see it, even if they weren't able to make radio contact. If Maria saw the flag, she would sail in

The Crazy Chicken and to steer clear of the electronic interference. When far enough away from the interference, she flipped on the sonar. No shapes met her gaze. Unless they were running silent, the coast

e ships out for the off season. During the off season, both ships would be cleaned inside and out and the tracery that kept the oxygen bubble sealed around the ship inspected. Even minute flaws would be repaired so there was less chance of a skyside failure. All backup systems would be checked, and s

straightened, arched her back in a stretch and mewled. "Then I think we will stop and

rom empty. At the door she scooped up Spin to keep the small cat from being trampled and gave her name to the hostess to secure a table. The hostess didn't b

population, this superstition was well ingrained. Not for the first time she wondered where it had come from and if there truly was a connection to the Egyptian goddess Bast.

l pilots, captains and other assorted Guild members she recognized from the Docking Faci

ed about using the new information safely, Smith was more interested in having Elena tell him everything so that the military could have sole ownership of the skills. Even though they seemed to have scaled back the design schemat

dered a small wood fired pizza with onions and mushrooms. Mushrooms on ship boar

h to need groceries. "Hope I didn't leave anything in tinfoil, " she said to Spin. With all of the informational gathering, meetings on the Docking Facility and

season all ready?" Elen

and in typical Mateo fashion promptly forgotten she existed afterwards. In turn, she ignored Mateo when he was around and concentrated on Elena.

the other one. "So have you plotted out your off season yet?" she asked. Not waiting for a response Isa continued. "We're

de commerce during the off season, there were those who simply treated the off season as vacation time. Her grandf

You could use some time in the sun." Isa laughed. "Of course at the en

n't think…,

t have to worry about running into her at my place." Elena not

d. Isa and Therese had been almost insep

't know, somewhat pedantic." Ele

c?" she

iny blond locks. Elena wondered if Isa actually knew the meaning of the word pe

I'm afraid I really can't. I ha

un and the excursion and potential settlement of a new planet she had to plan. With a start she realized that she was actually going to be setting up a type

er. The onions were diced thin and the mushrooms sunk a little into the cheese. The crust looked thin and

d her head. The streaks that had started to gray had been dyed green and purple. Underneath her white apron Elena could se

chef." Consuelo McCracken, head chef and part owner of D

t TV newscasters and some of the Midwest favored before they started to elongate their vowels, but the no accent that spoke of carefully chosen words and diction.

nd I missed you greatly bef

own. Isa shifted her gaze between them

razos. The meal was… missing something." Before starting D

and Isa let out a weak chuckle. "But the next me

. Neither woman elaborated, bo

your food gets cold." Consuelo glanced pointedly back towards the

aded back to her table. She had to give Mateo credit. The woman was lovely. It was just the lack of overt intelligence that caused her opin

nd?" sh

if my off season plans included hitting the beach o

f thos

at is there to do

omehow I think that you will fin

her way, she was left to eat in peace. At the end she paid, gathered up Spin and made her way to h

life. Spin yawned, which Elena took as agreement. She p

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