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Chapter 5 Brownie Oxford and the Barren Woods Blunder

Word Count: 1388    |    Released on: 13/03/2018


arket and Ricky continued his dramatic recounting of

glanced over at him and he hooked a thumb at a woman in her mid-thirties. At first glance she looked like any of the other shoppers,

I saw with Mr. Nondescript in t

sn't think you are the person they are looking for if that helps you out. He thinks you are quite pretty, but very ordinary. While I'll agree

talk you into giving her any of my ideas, " Ricky said in my ear reminding me that

ply bolted out of the flea market. "If not, then I'm sure I'll find something else I need help moving."

s smile widened and he preened a bit. 'If you could hold on a moment I w

oll, " he told me. "Yo

tched over his booth. After a few minutes of back and forth, the fainting couch was mine. The merchant took my money, then tied a big red 'sold

dn't look like she was actively searching for anyone. Even thoug

u often?" he aske

ng strange as I talked to Lenny. I didn't know if the woman would remain an observer or if she would t

t quite sure how to ask my most pressing question. Som

y were unexpectedl

ably beside me. A gentleman sporting a top hat and long coat with fur cuffs and lapel inclined his head politely at me as I passed. I smiled and

ir time periods varied widely although Lenny appeared to be one of the newer dead. If t

s all dumping their kills in the same plac

d be just

etery. That was back when there was a town of Barren Wood around here. Wasn't much of a town when I was here, even less of one now. Of co

m the other dead. Usually when I entered a cemetery, I announced myself and the dead sent their emissary to speak with me

ed with another one located down the road rather than rebuild. Stoney Point or Stone Ridge, something

and better church somewhere else. They paid to have bo

thought. Lenny chuc

and stone wall surround, but they left the bodies.

to find something appropr

t didn't look like a cemetery and here was one, if they were willing. There was

I do wonder if anyone ever visits my headstone though. There were a lot of

walking around here?' I asked, figuring direct would be better. 'I can't be leaking that much power. And how do you know what h

Johnny's doi


stuck around. Before then we couldn't walk around like this, or at least that's what I was told. Johnny's v

uld exp

I'd like to meet him. Th

rned. "But I can ask. That is,

tery and its occupants were moved then there would be nothing remarkable about this place. It would not look out of place for me to be here and it wo

said. "Your watch

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