img Prey World - Citizen 1-564398B-278843  /  Chapter 9 No.9 | 15.25%
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Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 993    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

ntal hospital" had invented. Shortly afterwards, the reeducation hour began, whereby the loudspeaker intensively explained 111-F-47 the reasons for

cause the sharp light was like a white nebula. Frank tried to fight the pain in his head, but he was at this cell`s mercy. Furthe

!", said Frank to himself and winced. ?I w

source of light did not remain. Frank couldn`t see the hand before his eyes anymore and in his head, the aftereffects of the blinding blaze jumped around as manifold colors. There was only extreme brightness or extreme darkness in this cell. Whoever had developed the concept of this instrument of torture, knew exactly, that this cruel form of conditioning cou

remains for himself, during the entire term of imprisonment. You, 111-F-47, are one of the first ill human beings, who have the luck,

s the luck, to be healed a holo cell. You are one of the prototypes. Support the developers of this n

rom their instincts, to format and reprogram their minds so that they could overcome all their natural instincts. Furthermore, how inevitable the sedation

oon transformed him into a pathetic creature. He often thought about his father and his sister, the only members of his family, who were still there. Frank`s mother had died three years ago, he had loved her ver

irregular contact. Rarely, too rarely, he had visited him so far, if he was honest. But Ra

asure about Frank`s path through life and had always upholded Frank`s sister Martina, as the positiv

ina had become a teacher, had married and Frank had often envied her, because of her good payment. But one d

tuation in German schools as more than intolerable, and Frank had the suspicion that she already drank and took tranquilizers. But she held on, for h

bably didn`t know at all, that he was locked up here. Perhaps, they would only

nder and was a criminal now, and had to face his fair punishment in that prison. He

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