img Prey World - Counterrevolution  /  Chapter 7 No.7 | 10.94%
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Chapter 7 No.7

Word Count: 945    |    Released on: 06/07/2018

you don`t have to study in Vilnius to become a t

ying, because education has always been an interesting topic f

the daugther of the foreign minister and you

r the revolution if Artur`s ideas and visions are given to the yo

ur always says. Incidentally, it is very commendable that you have read "The Way of the Rus". It is the duty of everyone to intensive

ical training for today. When

coming days. No one can foresee how the situation

though Artur`s great book tell us, that the sacrifice of the individual is one of the highest vir

led or something...", gave F

e replied: "You can hardly impress me with all that talk.

the cities of Mashad and Esfahan after weeks of street fighting and were now driving the loyal troops of sub-governor Kerman back to the south. In ret

hern Russia, were brought to the north of Ir

ots what forced the Lodge Brothers to react. So the World Government and the international media ga

ared from an invasion of the Global Control Force, what gave

men in Silaulai in northern Lithuania and finally gave them the order to invade Latvia on 01.07.2036. At dawn, many trucks started moving and brought the first trooper units across the border of t

d the crowd, following the marching columns of the rebels. And even whole police

at the trooper units of the Rus. It were thousands of men and women and their number was growing with each p

med Kohlhaas and urged hi

s impetuous friend. Meanwhile, the center of Rig

the bacon today?", asked B?umer

who have appeared, have joined our marching

s marching toward the government building, singing and shouting. In

all!", remarked Kohlhaas with s

rawn. I haven`t expected th

ng his hands. He was greeted by the Latvians with resounding cheers. When h

will leave the World Union today", he shouted, while a wa

ent building after Tschistokjow`s speech. Other trooper units took

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