img Mr. President, Do You Mind If I Fall in Love with You?  /  Chapter 4 To Destroy Luna | 9.30%
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Chapter 4 To Destroy Luna

Word Count: 704    |    Released on: 01/11/2018

tried to pull her hands away, but Hero kept them pinned above he

seemed that her own body was betraying her. Oh dear lord, how could she possibly forget what happened last night? There was no way

yes locked into hers, watching her every move and expression. Hero wondered what

or too long because he couldn't conta

wrong one. If she hadn't drunk way past her limit and decided to fi

succumb to another mistake again. It was already bad enough; her relationship with her boy

passionate lovemaking. No. It wasn't lovemaking. It was just sex between them. There was no lov

ice?" His voice brought her

r voice outside the room. It was someone Luna coul

find your missing friend. Though no one saw her check out last night or this

. I gave her a keycard last night

o take her home. She isn't someone who

ate twenties p

e one who will there for you.' Aiko Chen pretended to be concerned about her missin

e this opportunity to put Luna in her place. Why did this commoner think that she had the right to date h

on. This was the reason why she purposely staged this scene. When she bumped into a man along the dark lobby last night, she switc

an that wasn't Jasper Mo. It was impossible for Luna to leave and go home last night. This was

tening to show in her face. This was

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