img Sold To The Billionaire Next Door  /  Chapter 5 chapter five | 17.86%
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Chapter 5 chapter five

Word Count: 1273    |    Released on: 03/09/2018


nce what happened a few weeks back I haven't been able to face him. Maria and Glor

ak with these three guys. They seemed to be having a good conversation because for on

lking about but I could hear thei

g?" I feel a voice

hand to my chest; I turn around to see Fallon raising a perfectly arched

oking for


lieve me one bit. To be honest, I could u

sigh, g

now, " she lays a concerned hand on

. Although I didn't want to break the rules I also didn't want to keep it in anymore. I needed someone to talk t

her, "you can trus

o believe her. And right

ing back at Alton as he looks to be getting bored of th

I hear the faint sound of Alton calling out my nam

s way every since he played that cruel joke of telling me he loved me. What a lie

t didn't help either that whenever I saw him my stomach would

on a bench that overlooked a large window. Outside overlooked the backyard of the home. A large crystal blue swimming pool was at the botto


es in with a basket covered with a red flannel covering. She shuts the door before tru

late, " she

looking at Fallon.

something was going on,

in hers, "if anything is ever wrong I want you to be abl

lls at her words. I never really had friends I could talk to with

told them the truth. So before I can back out and hold the truth bac

y parents giving me away for money to help themselves. Everything from me leaving my

out of the window while Camie was nibbling on the expensi

angrily. She turns away from th

t her, s

agreeing, "i can't believe Alto

ee little. I just-" Fallon cuts

for money? What kind of parents are they, " Camie sh

I attempt to defend my par

no parent should sell their child for money. I

e right about my parents, I couldn't deny it any

ned Alton, "

Camie continues to insult him the urge to

ush, looking away. The feeling she k

ys a hand on Camies

at Fallon i

anything else, Em

sely but the red that staine

ame while Camie looks between u

" I g

't bare to look at him without feeling weird emotions. My hearts been aching, my stomach hurt

if that's what your thinking. I

nger over Camie's mouth before a word can leave her mouth. Camie knits her eyebrows together looking at

e. Your heart will direct you, " Fa


in shoving a piece of

moment I couldn't have been happier since being here. Though I was happ

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