img Reborn as a Sea Nymph  /  Chapter 0 |Before| | 2.63%
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Reborn as a Sea Nymph

Reborn as a Sea Nymph

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Chapter 0 |Before|

Word Count: 520    |    Released on: 31/08/2018

my chest. I know I am dying.

to me. Why was I kidnapped? Why was I kil

normal office workers. I am a normal uni


do to des

ey said I would graduate in a year and then they c

seems so fa

n feel my life slipping awa

ve me the Book!" My kidna

ctly at the heart. I can already feel my heart stuttering.

r fight me for it. Why did you have to drag a passerby into t

double trap. The blood of a veng

y made used of h

stop me

arts to scream, appa

ce, my kidnapper catches his

I am different." He laughed haughtily. "You'll die... Do you know what


ill be destroyed. And as you can't kill. I win." The kidnapper

e guy kneels next to me. Did

ragging you into

use of the police? I want to shout. I wa

tutter is, "My... par

e of them. I pro

and take a look at the person who p

n front of me. I know him. It's .

l my fault." He cont

cold, " I

to hold me. I am

ced in a warm emb

m." At least I can die i

l save

ything di

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