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Chapter 2 Unwanted Attention

Word Count: 2670    |    Released on: 21/09/2018

e her personal favorite place of solace among all of the areas being that she loved to read books. Never was a day that she wasn't holding a b

ce when he heard the twisting sound of the doorknob. He didn't mind it though think

a plan for a large vessel to be built upon his father's approval. Blueprints and crumpled papers spread throughout the round gla

ckly widened. Lianne stepped inside the room wearing only a night robe to

two, but this apparition in his front looked more ta

her. "Oh, I thought nobody is inside the library, " she stated in a clipped tone. H

ir first time meeting inside the library; with such a late an

ng flame of anxiety inside Lianne. Those vaguely ether

g two of her most hated captors for years. Due to this reason

own into a fine man, just like Cain. His brownish black hair was half kept, edgy on the sides. He was weari

eled jaw, a well-defined nose and lips that gravitated towards kissable. He also had a broad back, lean and muscled for

ed. His face nearly showed little to no expression as if he was a mannequin. His dark handsome face made

entarily. She gathered her composure back and quickly began to exit the room but was quick

few meters away from the princess then leaned

h confusion and doubt. Would it brought

st part of the page, there it is embossed the initials 'RWS'

t - s

aware that she was trying so hard to avoid him even though they were living in the same mansion

the carpeted floor towards him. She was so angry that she ha

n robe opened revealing the light

book she was holding heavily onto his chest. He grimaced for a second upon feeling the sore, bu

!" Lianne irately spoke giving the prince that familiar scornful look. She quickly turned

ily grabbed her arm to stop her. The contact of

as if it was poison. She had never addressed him of his title, much more

arp look. "A man such as myself would be more inclined to abide by your order if it would mean to un

aw, to her embarrassment, her nightgown ex

e quickly pulled her arms out from his grip and firmly p

s and embarrassment, but she was still giving him a pointed, incensed

his brow. "It's not my fault you are wandering ar


en thinking of even going out of her room without any proper clothes on? But,

perused his full length with frankness and contin

esume, Princess. I would personally want to endlessly stroll

n response. "Huh! No wond

d! Dressing up like that and going out of your room is too improper!" he remarked, anger sur

acidly rebuked. "However. Actually, I don't e

e saw a threatening tear exposing itself in her eyes. He knew fully well

is day, it still tortures me! My question as to why you didn't even do anything to stop that man from capturing me. I co

ace the hearth, her knees started to shake nervously. Ruen

ou have taken it all away from me." She quickly wipe

dly guilty about it. However, he had a rightful reason a

e heart. All the while he thought that it was

why. She knew she'd have to gather up some courage to square with him and now was the right time for it. Now was the only time f

t, Lianne. But, it is your safety that

se years to sate his whims? Or should I say you and your fathers whims? You act as if you care! Don't you make me a fool. You are no better than him!" she furiously s

rested on her. This time was different. She felt gra

u're saying, " Ruen morosely an

er hands in the ai

again to stop her from leaving. "Like I said, I did not tell you to le

me!" she spat, eyes barely holding a

to turn your back to me!



en only moved closer to capture her waist. Lianne immediately pa

pleading to be released. She could feel his grip tight

n you don't seem to mind when Cain doe

garding his question. If she were attentive enough, sh

e again stern

y dismayed by his touch, but to her great astonishment, he easily pull

om side to side just to avoid his lips, but she

inside her mouth. She tried to push him away but he secured her well with a tight embrace and managed to ste

lips from hers seemingly satisfied by his invasion. Wonder

from him striking him a sharp look of disgust in the process. "My God! How could you!" she bitterl

uen swore t

r; something he was finding difficulty with. On impulse, he followed her trail towards t

room, rudely cut off, when he was g

his apology, then to hell be it. It was not like

e unaware of what had transpired that evening; so, when early in the morning the next day, they were greatly surprised upon hearin

n the stables. The princess did manage to dodge the scrutiny of the maids in the

prince only gave him silence as he stood at the side of the

. His glass of sparkling diamond wine was half empty. They were the only ones in the roo

ome back here when I say so, " Garlow domineeringly

ea of leaving the mansion, it was something he had no power to control. Sooner or later he would come b

last night. It was maybe forced, but it would be th

o its core, "See no more of her. She serves no purpose for y



Chapter 0 Prologue Chapter 1 A Kiss On The Cheek Chapter 2 Unwanted Attention Chapter 3 Left Behind Chapter 4 Their Agreement Chapter 5 Missing Him
Chapter 6 Longing For You
Chapter 7 A Snowy Dream
Chapter 8 The Agreement's Kiss
Chapter 9 The First Invitation
Chapter 10 Intoxicated Attempt
Chapter 11 In Which She Becomes Confused
Chapter 12 Behold He Who Returns
Chapter 13 A Silent Torment
Chapter 14 An Agreement with the Prince
Chapter 15 A Truce for the Night
Chapter 16 The Two Men's Flames
Chapter 17 Choosing Carriage
Chapter 18 A Book in the Library
Chapter 19 The Regaleria Ball
Chapter 20 The Table of the Wolves
Chapter 21 A Competition of Two Women
Chapter 22 A Dance Would Be Enough
Chapter 23 A Marriage Trap
Chapter 24 An Intruder in the Midst
Chapter 25 A Calming Embrace
Chapter 26 The Sickness of the Almighty
Chapter 27 The Flight of a Princess
Chapter 28 Come Back With Me
Chapter 29 A Feverish State
Chapter 30 A Kiss To Heal
Chapter 31 The Almighty King's Death
Chapter 32 A Kiss of Longing
Chapter 33 Free As a Bird
Chapter 34 The Picture Frame
Chapter 35 Return of His Majesty
Chapter 36 Prelude To Their Meeting
Chapter 37 Trapped In His Arms
Chapter 38 Almost His
Chapter 39 The New King's Plight
Chapter 40 The Interrogation of the King
Chapter 41 A Most Welcome Apparition
Chapter 42 His Chamber
Chapter 43 A Night's Taste of Passion
Chapter 44 Dismayed by Madness
Chapter 45 Haunting The Heart
Chapter 46 In The Forest
Chapter 47 The Relieving But Painful Truth
Chapter 48 The Clash of Desires
Chapter 49 Carriage In Disguise
Chapter 50 Only But A Door Stops Him
Chapter 51 A Heart with No Boundaries
Chapter 52 A Most Wondrous Morning
Chapter 53 The Ship of Love
Chapter 54 Alarm in the Middle of the Festivity
Chapter 55 Sailing Away from You
Chapter 56 A Boy's Company
Chapter 57 The Dead King's Last Request
Chapter 58 Yearning for Heaven's Miracle
Chapter 59 Out From the Ashes, Love is Born
Chapter 60 An Uninvited Guest
Chapter 61 Death and Gravity
Chapter 62 A Chance of a New Life
Chapter 63 Epilogue
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