img Nick's Obsession  /  Chapter 5 Nick’s Proposal | 35.71%
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Chapter 5 Nick’s Proposal

Word Count: 2285    |    Released on: 09/10/2018

dn't know which one, but it sounded good. I didn't want to bring up my concerns either, knowing his good mood would drop. But I couldn't keep quiet either, that wasn't who

which was called Max, but I honestly forgot about

d over his shoulder, his whole face lightening up

h, "Yes" I returned his smile

lly singing, I don't even

shrugged, "I talked

ew together, "That

because you were thinking of marriage." I remained silent for a while, trying to search his eyes but those deep blue ey

e sauce, "I did wonder about marriage, I thin

h and couldn't get out, shivers ran down my spine while my breathing

ot when we were having a serious discussion about our future. Yet I couldn't control my feelings. I wanted my boyfriend. I always wanted Nick, he was the one who had control, I just gave in to my desires without thinking about the consequences. He enjoyed teasing me, making me go insane with wa

e serious than this. I'm certain about us so the next logical step would be marriage. I know we both agreed not to go ther

desmaids and grooms? The big white dress

n't have to sound so disgusted by

I am certai

ying you in the near future? Why can't I imagine

wrapped his arm around my waist instead, pulling me close to him. I was pressed up against his chest, his soft sweater feeling like I was rubbing the softest towel ever over my face. It sme

y head against his chest as I ran my fingers down his back

love with an eighteen-year-old and leave your family behind and I can promise you that no other woman has my interest. You're the only one who I thin


im. Nick always mentioned how obsessed he was with me, but he had no idea about how I felt about him. Clutching the front of his shirt I tried to pull him even closer, but as I was deepening the kiss, pushing my tongue



es up, meeting mi

my eyes on

sity which made my breathing

e and a white dress so big I can barely fit in a car." I took a deep breath, a mischievous plan forming in my hea

, "You can't claim

dding Evan will b

ng with amusement, "We'll revisit and revis

he big over the top wedding you'l

make me pay for making you change you


ussion, letting out a long, t

mind nor would he complain because he loved us both, but I didn't

d in tasks. Probably going insane by th

leased about making that compromise, "I don't know why y

will give

into the living room to grab my laptop. When I spun around I nearly smacked right into my boyfriend. He placed his

, "But your father is still alive as well. It wouldn't

r than anyone else give me away to a man who is m

n me, "They're not strang

there again? I already shared

u to have any regrets. I've told you that before too. You'll regret it when something happens to your father and

til I heard the last part of his

e pretends he is okay, but he is not. He is never going to for

Evan when it happened. I had to tighten my hold on my laptop because I

pened to

to do with the woman. Evan was the only one she had left, but with time it just got too much for him so his visits to the home became less and less. Then there came a time that she a

rtying all the time? He

more issue

being al

entioned that Evan rarely spent a night on his own. I never thought anything of it until

his eyes narrowing on me, "I don

become like Evan, una

visit him next weekend togethe

about him, with just a look he knew where my mind was at. Maybe marriage wasn't su

aight face, "You want to

é rather, since he did propose to


me, but I couldn't be happy about it now. In the future I'd be grateful to him for pushing me, I was aware of that. So I didn't pull a

cuss if it's a good time to see your father. We'll stay the weekend and

s chest, leaning closer to him as h

be glad I don't get jealous when it comes to Evan.

ed so much the other day. I knew he wouldn't gloat but something inside me just wouldn't let me pick up the phone. I'm sure a man like Max checked his mail frequently. If Max replied back telling me it was a good time, Nick a

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