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The Bossy Intruder

The Bossy Intruder

Author: Sofia
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Chapter 1 Can't live like a monk

Word Count: 738    |    Released on: 21/11/2019

e his friends brought him. He just arrived from his flight from Chile. He wo

decided to go on with it alone. She even told him that he's the only one who wanted a honeymoon and that she was just forc

et he could still clearly remember how she stood him up on their wedding day. It was suppos

asked. He felt him shove his side with his elbow

I was supposed to still

spoke. "We are a better company for you on your birthday. Aren't you happy that you're back with you

emember? I was forced to go home because you're supposed to be gone soo

e mountainous region of Andes, and experienced the Altiplano or high plateau. He liked places which are almost uninhabited, where all he can see

he cancelled his tour and hurried back to the Philippines. His friends fetched him at the airport but instead of going to the hospita

it on time to see his friend alive only to find out that everything was a set up. Worst, he

then he leaned to the couch, closed his eyes

ood joke" Cougar

we thought was best for you as your friend. We can't just l

rls in the places you go to, but you are wasting those Latina chicas."

Cougar said with a wink. "Time for act

d already lost his taste with those kinds of women. He was actually done wit

y. He wanted peace not the eye-blinding lights, flirtatious music and sluts.

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