img Shotgun Wedding: Cold CEO Says He Loves Me  /  Chapter 7 President Lose Temper | 8.54%
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Chapter 7 President Lose Temper

Word Count: 1710    |    Released on: 19/07/2020

unny day w

of the Rolls-Royce. It was Harris. But what was extremely incon

ong the way, there were many girls who were attracted by him. But this handsom

the meeting." His assistant, Dea

is replied. T

ry with coffee in her hand rushed in. She bumped into Harris

ary apologized. As she spoke, she hurriedl

up won't support an idler like you."

eact. "Mr. Harris, I'm sorry. Please forgive me this time. It's not easy for me to get

tinue to stay here, I'll count you as fired. At that time, your

ormally, a female secretary would think the gentle Harris was very handsome, b

female secretary, ordinary pe

as the female secretary. Every time Harris returned home, he could feel the tend

Harris's head beg

ecretary kept cryin

he meeting room, crossed his legs with his ten fingers, and quietl

that the current situation could not be changed, so she had to leav

, Dean came over and said, "Well,

Golden Mansion in the center of the city. The budget of our department i

oked at the PPT on the screen, and

roject. As for the practicability, it depended on the pre

to his senses. Under the gaze of all the people present, Dean gritted his

your report carefully just now because of the budget data of this project. You all calculated wrong. The N Grou

oject two days ago. Otherwise, I would be embarras

a chance. I'll take it back and make a new cal

e the heart to do that. "I'll only give you the last chance. If you don't want to be like the female secret

mplete the task you gave me." The

ntinue th

V, eating the breakfast prepared by the servant, and beside her was her favo

t when the financial manager of the N Group was calculating the financial situat

u treat me as a fool, don't you?" Harris glance

mes more than the market price, but you repay me in this way. In that case, all of you who are still sitting h

d always been elegant, and had never been so ang

he meeting room and returned to his offic

re some documents left in the car and he was about to go down to take them. When Harr

he in a bad mood?" Secretary A said in confusion. And she ha

ctor's statements are wrong.

gentle and easy to get along with. I'm afraid it's not j

ot married yesterday!" Secretary C said proudly, as

n between the two?" Secretary A lo

Miss. Angel, but yesterday the bride became anot

ry A was still confused, feeling th

in the past two days that he lost his temper on t

ooking at the group of se

d the president's vo

woman at home and felt more and more depr

e, in the N

hat friends are more loyal than lovers..." B

ll from her best friend, Joan Li, who ha

ed the phone, Joan's lo

doing? Long time no

the gloom in Belle's heart caused by the

nd replied, "Of course I miss you. I'm sitting on the

ave inquired about the market situation. By the

of the rich Bei family. How can you bear the pain

e phone was in a very low mood, so she comforted, "Joan, you know what's going

Belle was showing off to her that she didn't need to worry about finding a job, so Joan q

ave been good friends for so many years, how can

est to me, Belle." Jo

a good day today. I happen to have something to te

afternoon. It's the milk tea shop at the gate of the old campus, okay? " Joan looked up at her watch and th

about me the most. T


er heart when she thought that someone was s



Chapter 1 Pregnant Before Marriage Chapter 2 A Great Change Chapter 3 Forced To Get Married Chapter 4 Find Out Where She Is Going Chapter 5 One's Wedding Chapter 6 A Serve Tea Event Chapter 7 President Lose Temper Chapter 8 A Long-lost Appointment Chapter 9 Negotiating Visiting The Bride's Parents Chapter 10 Quarreling At Supper Chapter 11 Sleeping In The Same Room For The Second Time
Chapter 12 Quarrel After Visiting The Bride's Parents
Chapter 13 Negotiation Failed
Chapter 14 Negotiate With Harris
Chapter 15 Opportunity Appeared
Chapter 16 Auction Scene
Chapter 17 Encountering Franklin
Chapter 18 Childhood Sweetheart
Chapter 19 First Working Day
Chapter 20 Refuse Belle's Proposal
Chapter 21 Best Friends Disagree With Each Other
Chapter 22 Harris's Call
Chapter 23 The Acquisition Plan In Details!
Chapter 24 Planned To Buy Shares
Chapter 25 Ask Shareholder Go Out To Meet Successfully
Chapter 26 Frustrated Franklin
Chapter 27 Harris Comes Back Home
Chapter 28 Competition Between Rivals In Love
Chapter 29 Reach An Agreement!
Chapter 30 Prenatal Checkups
Chapter 31 Hogan Put Pressure On Harris Again!
Chapter 32 Harris's Shares
Chapter 33 Franklin's Tricks
Chapter 34 Harris's Misunderstanding
Chapter 35 Hogan's Coercion
Chapter 36 Harris Was Pushy
Chapter 37 Missed Appointment Again
Chapter 38 Franklin Succeeded
Chapter 39 The Agreement With Harris
Chapter 40 Harris's Weirdness
Chapter 41 Considerate Action
Chapter 42 Dean's Appearance
Chapter 43 Give The Necklace To Dean
Chapter 44 Meet A Mysterious Boss!
Chapter 45 Our Agreement
Chapter 46 Expose Your Wild Scheme By Accident!
Chapter 47 Recalling The Past
Chapter 48 Harris's Jealousy
Chapter 49 Misunderstanding Deepened
Chapter 50 Active Franklin
Chapter 51 Considerate Man
Chapter 52 Met By Harris
Chapter 53 Hogan's Opinion Changed
Chapter 54 Unexpected Call
Chapter 55 It Is All My Fault
Chapter 56 Conversation Between Friends
Chapter 57 Reflect
Chapter 58 Harris's Worries
Chapter 59 Go To The Shop Selling Baby Products
Chapter 60 Agreement
Chapter 61 Intimacy
Chapter 62 Their Feeling Warms Up
Chapter 63 A Girlish Blush
Chapter 64 Get Along Well
Chapter 65 Tossing And Turning!
Chapter 66 Conflict Again
Chapter 67 Grounded
Chapter 68 Compromise
Chapter 69 Eaton Got Wrong Message
Chapter 70 Meet Harris Successfully
Chapter 71 Test From Her Best Friend
Chapter 72 Seize Opportunity
Chapter 73 The Plan Was Disrupted
Chapter 74 Disturbed
Chapter 75 Ning Mansion
Chapter 76 Impart Experience
Chapter 77 Arrange Spies Openly
Chapter 78 Negotiation
Chapter 79 Successful Revenge
Chapter 80 Favorable Turn
Chapter 81 Upset
Chapter 82 Rejection
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