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Chapter 3 The Article

Word Count: 1266    |    Released on: 23/12/2020

ky was painted in many shades of red. Th

nd the air was growing cold

rupted by the unexpected

ng Simba's sleep. He was lying on Eryna's lap sl

g the person. Eryna stared at her delicate frame with discontent. It t

as done talking, and sat back

your f

ed sarcas

me where I was and w

with an irri

d you te

e didn't want anybody to kn

t mother's grave. He doesn't arg

yet her lips had a s

n't you

ing that because

ing voice when

nother puppet that would dance at his

have suffe

s nothing as compar

hid her gaze, before

the ocean, You can sp

g, The city isn't that

ed her fingers through his black hai

y, her tiny figure disapp


ll on her hand that was scribbling on a piece of paper. She looked delighted when she was drawing but got disturbed by the

after a week of their last

call and took the ph

She spoke

reetings Renya replied. Her vo

ed? Is every

a as

for long. Can i come to you?" She quivered as



What is

t the screen of

a naked man, her neck was red with red mark

ng a golddigger, It was stated that she had been sleepi

Renya who spoke w

g to slander me, I

the way till here, Her eyes still were wate

's not you? Tell

nt on which a few tears r

a thing, I too was surprised wh

looked quite real, Eryna stared at Renya for a

Was he mad?" Eryna lifted one of h

at the news, I thought he would

onfusion. While Er

gets tired of playing those

as if she understood

" Renya was muddle

its? How can you not

would he do that?" Renya a completely sense

aid with an obvious tone, an

ou think h

this! Have you forgotten the time w

e time her father falsely accused her mother in


Eryna pointed at the face of the

shocked when she saw Eryna obliv

me to know every single person in the country

n't know Luis Fam

at her tea cup

at is the exact reason why this happened. Your Father must be lookin

up close and she was aware of his every filthy act

planning?" Renya's hands that were holdin

ely be Miss Luis in no time." She stirred the spoon in the tea and


a who was not prepared for suc

nd and pressed it. Her eyes showed signs of horror and her

acting like that?

she was sure that the side view of

on't want to marry a guy

eone not see through such badly presented news. I am sure everyth

sight of the horrifi

red men these days, ' Eryna thought



Chapter 1 Till death do us part. Chapter 2 My Son Chapter 3 The Article Chapter 4 Marriage Chapter 5 Marriage 2 Chapter 6 Bride
Chapter 7 Bride 2
Chapter 8 Renya
Chapter 9 Eryna
Chapter 10 Misunderstanding
Chapter 11 Misunderstanding
Chapter 12 Not a Honeymoon
Chapter 13 Not a Honeymoon
Chapter 14 Not a Honeymoon at all
Chapter 15 Dragons king
Chapter 16 Micah
Chapter 17 Happy never after
Chapter 18 Romantic Hug
Chapter 19 Eryna
Chapter 20 Eryna
Chapter 21 Under the hood
Chapter 22 Ayden Luis
Chapter 23 The Stepmother plans
Chapter 24 A property worth billions
Chapter 25 What is going on
Chapter 26 Something odd
Chapter 27 A step into past
Chapter 28 Step into past 2
Chapter 29 Step into past 3
Chapter 30 Step into past 4
Chapter 31 Step into past 5
Chapter 32 All was Ryker’s doing
Chapter 33 Myrtle tree
Chapter 34 Cooking together
Chapter 35 Right side is mine
Chapter 36 Scars
Chapter 37 First day
Chapter 38 You are fat
Chapter 39 Gossip
Chapter 40 Hunter is back
Chapter 41 Hunter is back
Chapter 42 Myrtle Tree
Chapter 43 Myrtle tree 2
Chapter 44 Dear brother
Chapter 45 The funeral
Chapter 46 My husband
Chapter 47 The funeral 2
Chapter 48 Ayden
Chapter 49 Hunter’s surprise
Chapter 50 Micah in a bad mood
Chapter 51 Taylor
Chapter 52 Cold war
Chapter 53 Cold War 2
Chapter 54 Cold War 3
Chapter 55 Grayson
Chapter 56 Grayson meets Eryna
Chapter 57 Micah
Chapter 58 At the party
Chapter 59 At The party 2
Chapter 60 At the party 3
Chapter 61 Sealed with a kiss
Chapter 62 Simba’s dad
Chapter 63 Truth
Chapter 64 Myrtle trees
Chapter 65 Micah
Chapter 66 Hunter
Chapter 67 To the hospital
Chapter 68 At the hospital
Chapter 69 Ayden
Chapter 70 Ayden’s visit
Chapter 71 To meet micah
Chapter 72 My loved ones
Chapter 73 Micah’s Renya
Chapter 74 At the hospital
Chapter 75 The beautiful garden
Chapter 76 She woke up
Chapter 77 You may kiss the bride
Chapter 78 Note
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