img Loving My Billionaire Brother  /  Chapter 3 Valerie | 5.45%
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Chapter 3 Valerie

Word Count: 2005    |    Released on: 24/01/2021

t with the usual routine of cleaning the young master's bedroom. I've not yet met the young master, though I lik

y. I smiled at her. I've also started going for dance classes at Thompson's Entertainment whe

n panting breathlessly obviousl

atch her breath looking from Audrey to m

as I sat back down on the bed. She scoffs at me

ease our salary" Audrey said, I thought

said disappointed that

Liza said Jumping up exci

of you can guess the good ne

said looking at her"The su

ys" She said laughing,"Young

annoyed that this was what she

hocked in the middle of our room. She recovered fast as she

just finished cleaning the bathroom and I was so tired, I decide

n the floor pleading with the person without looking up with tears in my eyes. I coul

e entered the room, he looked from the la

ur bed" The lady said wit

as he turn to look at me" stand up and go to

beautiful up close. I stared into his eyes which were drawing m

e shouted. I scramble out of the room wi

e me. I couldn't believe I was expecting him to kiss me. His eyes

lped loudly as I lay down on the bed panting as I tried to bring my b

ink of me now?

ort when she saw my eyes red and puffy. My cheeks ar

dy for any signs of pain. I huff at her being so dramatic t

ine "I replied,

d puffy?" She asked me clearl

walk in cutting my sentence sh

h her?"Gia said wh

wo barge in and interrupted us"Audrey said glaring at Gia, who head

rong with you?" Lisa said sh

ping on his bed" I said putting

on the young master's bed but not for them t

You are such a baby?” Gia said as sh

king her head as she walked out too. Wh

posed to shout at me" I asked Audrey w

" She looked at me amus


y too. On my first day at work, I slept off in Mr and Mrs Thomps


e that. Hope young mast

wn as I remembered his curt word

screamed at me" I continued lookin

She stays with her mom very far from the Thompson's estate. She goes home on

I ask her,

young master'

ly. I didn't know

ing cut whatever Audrey wanted to s

called int

said looking at me.I look at

ill tell her"Audre

said you should get him a glass of juice and next time you should be

ng. To think that I nearly kissed

anted to say something else but she hugged me instead "

her bag. I walk into the kitchen to get young master his juice. I walk up t



he phone. I was curious to hear her voice that I picked up t

twenty-four years except her. “Is this love? Who are you kidding Victor, this is pure lust when you are satisf

door. Thank God, Leslie has gone out for shopping with Mom. She

which was tied at the back with a band. She

re" I said pointing over to a table, she walked over there and bent down to drop the tray gent

ook at me with a questi

ier. I would like to know you more since you are my

in my chest. Gosh!, her voice is just like a

t takes a very long time for my mom to warm up to someone, so I will

or doesn't know how to get

to know someone like you"

f me?” I screamed as I threw my

where I put my laptop, I've forgotten that I was on a video call w

ar," I said as I walked back

" But what to do, I did see you babbling and

f an idiot because you have never got under a sk

as in New York right now I would have asked her to marry me immediately” H

ch a drama

ever thought that I would live to see the day that a girl turned down the almigh

d walk into the bathroom to take another cold

apple and then I will humiliate you back" I said smiling to mys

ntally put my plans into actio



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