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Chapter 4 Party Time

Word Count: 1230    |    Released on: 27/02/2021


t find her. I shouldn't have left

a party, Liam was drunk already. "Yo

tually made a juice out

t isn't contami

ually having fun, you should join us in the party." He suggested and I shoo

't be staying in the same tent. I'm a watcher and

cited I and Noah are in the same thing, we'll l

rin tugged

f my hair and picked up a gun. "Wher

go and look for

drunk! "Let's chat for a while

? This plac

ally fucki

t's your q

ink of Alexa?"

if you're thinking of being her boyfriend, I don't see

hanks for your honest answer, I caught Tracy and Jake, they're h

as here, she'll tell them that the radiation coul

touched Zoe

lieve but Zoe never let me touch her, we

that particular time. I bumped into Alexa who was also drunk. "Why

rry!" I murmured and went to the back. "Zoe, are yo

ears in eyes. She didn't say anything when she s


Islanders, I found Liam also drunk, he

is shoulder. "You should chill, why

ky laugh. "I'm j

a smile. "Where have you bee

nd I'm also preparing for tom

y for me, I'm in Team science." I s

oor. I didn't even bother to help


etly. "I knew you wouldn't be angry with me for a long time." He said and gave me

ugh. "Do you like J

l you, it's fun." He a

e stars. "We can't touch the stars,

powers. I'm going to miss you tomorr

was also in love with him so I underst

arried." I sugge

ised my Grandma that I'll get marr

n. "I should probably rest, I'm feeling

o have fun? C'mon, I can't be having fun while my

ir. "Have fun babe, I'm not

oss my spine and deepened the kiss. I wanted to feel connected to him but I k

to you," he whis

almost impossible. I passionately returned the kiss and shifted back a little. "You sh

y, "What's up with the fa

back to what happened, I didn't w

just counting t

you, I don't mean love but you're like

y night. I was smiling like a child and I knew it. "Thank you

asked, realizing hi

with an elbow. "You have a thin

e never accepted homosexuality and I'm not rea

w your heart when the time comes, I'll support you

't you staying for t

'm actually heading off

with you tomorrow, I'm


re going to be working with you, Tracy and Mat

was certain Jake wanted I and Tracy to fight so

s one of th

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