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Chapter 3 Wedding day

Word Count: 675    |    Released on: 04/03/2021

believe that they are able to finish all the thi

u’ll think that the preparation took more t

e the other bride I felt nothing.

less as the makeup

I handled, you are the only one who lo

smile a

ight now! My gosh! You are marrying Andrew Ma

ed my brow.

opped with

f the hottest guy on earth. Plus he's a frea

ally felt nothing. I k

going out for 3 months to get

me. Just friends, I can’t go beyond that. Ma

mily dinner he broke up with Jana. Even though I told him that it is okay f

ea. As per him Jana did not deser

ill start in

ride our limousine. With m

e finally getting marrie

st s

’t know if you are nervous or happy! Look at me?! I’m already teary

to do? I don’t feel anything ri

onvince that your heart is m

t shr

gs with Maru? I mean OMG! That Maru!!! He’s so freaking hot! I can’t

lf think a

he is a gentleman, I actually didn’t expect that he

at I am smiling wh

d!” Yelle

ting crazy again.” I

f that my friend is not made of stone. You have a he

d furrowed

ou can only see yourself while you are describing him,

eally blush? Does that mean t


lly here!” Yelle

saw people getting re

Ottave my friend?” Yelle a

e her a fo

fast. ‘Why did I su

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