img Black's Mate  /  Chapter 2 ''Miss Parrish! In my office'' | 6.67%
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Chapter 2 ''Miss Parrish! In my office''

Word Count: 1308    |    Released on: 05/04/2021


s the most annoying sou

e devilish object sitting

I will have to get anoth

ed another brand new clock. Eh?’ I say

ce I am entered my twenties . I have acquired

ks each and every day and not to talk of the

ost strongest woman alive.’ I say to myself a

but hey, I always give her one of my hard to hard-to-

hen I tell her but at least, I get

ll be visiting to day and here I am, still on my b

my room to see it is alread

nly an hour and a thir

hat deals in all kinds of products, fashion

C.E.O of the companies ever sin

e, my mum and my brother sug

tion of deputy C.E.O

nce I was a child to when I became an adult, the o

tood my vision and gave me a chance to do what I really enjoy

one snaps me out of

, I already knew it is no othe

call so I immediately rush to th

her calls since yesterday night but right now, all I

mber my date of birth?’ I ask as she s

I ever forget my p

you should know that I am no more a little girl

ut to me, you are still my little pumpkin

ay as I drink the la

day but my mum being her usual se

ear old, thanks to the quality skincare products she uses

, I hate but hey, apart from that, I

I do not bother to wash the them s

e with her since I am alre

the head of the m

rvise the others as the

er early fifties and she is j

to the women and

etie’. Mrs. Robinson shouts, ju

th how they always treat me like a baby.’ I mumble

ls?’ Marigold ask as we both change f

th Jack.’ I say with

n trying to win my affection un

ere is now ready to to..’ Sh

me for these past months so I decide

t’s go, I hear the hottie will b

, confusion lac

ve seen him before say he is one handsom

expression. almost instantly, we hear an

he grand hall of the hos

g, a handsome , sexy, fine ass man

ie. Yeah Goldie is a nickname I

ace and body, I am more than

that when he passed where I am standing and s

much like to make this meeting a ve

.O of Mars private hospital, which you all know has branches all over the

a light smile on his lips

romantic right now but I can’t deny t

smile’. Goldie says, twisting a strand of hair aro

brief speech aft

how gladly I would open my legs for him, if he should ask right now.’

misses us but just as I am about to mo

ding cold masculine voice says and it


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