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Chapter 4 IV

Word Count: 715    |    Released on: 27/04/2021


t to be the first one to enter and not as a customer. I had taken my resume, which basically consiste

ask? I studied the outside, there wasn’t any ‘Hiring Now’ sign anywhere. Wa

for dawdling and being bashful. I was well past that now. Taking a deep breath I ent

sterday chirped. I plastered a smile and

” another woman behi

st come out of my mouth. T

aid hesitantly. She blinked before nodding, “Wait a moment, I’ll call our employer”

re she heard me. I was glad she wasn’t looking at me right now. Which

tend a new customer. A sudden throat clearance made me l

ner. Well, that wasn’t exactly what I had said. But anyway, I nodded my head, “Ye

We are looking for a waitress. Have

snort. When I looked at her, she pointedly looked away. He silently asked for the resume, I handed

We close at 5 and clean-up takes another hour. You will get your uniform by next week. T

sh counter offered me a genuine smile. I couldn’t believe my luck. Well, I never di

he crowd. However, my mood did not stay that way. As I was waiting for the bus, I hear

y took a one-eig

ly. Her friends smacked her arm lightly, “Hey! Don’t talk anything about my Dom. I am so excited!” she squealed a

s and boarded the bus. I can’t afford to think of him. I had a new job waitin

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