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Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1048    |    Released on: 11/05/2021


from it. For escaping is impossible here is hard to do. With the

to eat today with special foods

. He turned to me and laid down what he had cooked. He

front of me. I only eat this once, but her

o eat, maybe he will be doing something to you again." he said as if he was sca

eed me? D

for me." I just told him. "All I want right now

ace and then faced me again. He just shook

. Please?" I almost begged him b

the fruit containers in

the other was s


e who can help me with th

led at me. He doesn't take what I s

appen. I don't want to break the trust Wrum gave me. Among all his staff, I am the one he trus


t, sorry,"


u live despite what your father has done to them. You know, Wrum is not that brut

e I first came here, I just want to get out," I

me was completely wrong. I must be sa

that I'm here in a mansion, and I can't go home there first."

ad. "Fine. Do it just for a couple of min

for me too. "Thank yo

e his cellphone to me. I accepted it, and I am about to type the c

I heard behind me. This would have been the only

lphone. "Let me

y. "Get lost." Wim just nodded and immediately left the kitchen. I don't wan

want you to be hungry?" he sat down

d at him. "I have no appe

ll it without shouting at me. I cannot let anyone shouting at me without any val

of eating here and can you not call me a slave? I have a name and also, I wi

what you tell me, I

He grabbed her face. He eyed me angrily just

ieve he asked me. "Do you want me t

haken. "Hell n

ear to my face. Does he hav

in you alive." he threatened me. He could not continue

ds to talk to you. Some business probably," said Wim

t I should do." with a stre

I said Wrum."

of relief. Fortuna

nd I saw it walk towards Wim. He even took Wim

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