img Flying high  /  Chapter 1 1. Moving away | 2.38%
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Flying high

Flying high

Author: Rooh
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Chapter 1 1. Moving away

Word Count: 978    |    Released on: 27/05/2021

ing excited and nervous too. I am feeling sad for leaving behind everything for my dreams and I am long

r but this room is like a heaven to me saving me from the situations and things that I am running

nd making sure everything was packed in the bags. I

it here" Dad patted

cologne which I like most, it calms me down. M

gs needed to be packed? Mom yelled fr

on't worry everything is under control"😉 I sassed at last. She doesn't like when someone answers her

u dare show your sass to your mo

r hide somewhere," I said hurriedl

hter while I am searching for a place

us desert and my favorite apple pie to the living room and shared our

s my younger sister Julie with

me as Julie with a sad face. They are twins 2 minut

promise to FaceTime and call you

my black SUV and came t

ion it may be I am a call away from you, I am always gonna be there for you don't forget that prin

," said mom sternly but I can see her concern in her eyes and said " I promise mom to eat properly and on time and not gonna

e care of myself, I started my journey from green port

e a writer and an editor to a popular publishing com

everyone what

ople, situations, and surroundings that

ake sure of it. I am gonna change myself from a scared, sad, depressive

weighing me down like I am leaving everything beh

the people who laughed at me and q

n my new life too. I am physically leaving that horrible part of my life which mostly no one knows about but I am t

optimistic Scarlett to a

re the trophies I got fr

and anxiety attacks were because of me stressing myself out to make good grades but the

llenge, every situation with courage and confid

y completing 1 hour of the journey to New York

m and patient" I repeated this in my head

City he

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