img Complicated Love  /  Chapter 5 Sick bestfriend | 55.56%
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Chapter 5 Sick bestfriend

Word Count: 1077    |    Released on: 10/06/2021

and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictional mann


and back to

don't answer her calls and I do

nation to Grace because when I walked out last time, I no longer knew what I was going to do with life. Maybe I'll avoid her questions again. Fortunately, I have a rest day today, I only have one rest day per week. It

t in perdev. I didn't do it last weekend because my dorm mates and I had bonding time, th

begin. I am currently walking towards our classroom. But, it’s sad to think that there

t one get sick? Maybe, I'll just go straight to their house after class. It's good, and I have a rest day today. A big advantage as well. When class ended ah I hurriedly walked out with someone holding my arm. I would have sighed at it when I wa

if he kidnapped me to charge me for my de

there were no people. Maybe he will beat me

ased my arm. We will face each other today under the mango tree, thi

answer here. I don’t

ge. When to shout? When I laughed at what he said. Did he

ink he only knew how to shout? “What? Is that all you meant to me?

annoyed me even more. All my b

titute's daughter!” He shouted again. A signal for my palm to fly over his hard

around. For what else? I wiped away the tears that I didn't know were dripping. The pain is really up to now. I thought it was gone. I easily rode the tricycle and drove to the subdivision where Grace lived. Furthermore, I even took a tramp to get right in front of Grace's house. From school because I will ride a tricycle to deliver here to

Rivera family, opened the door for me immediately. I smiled at her when she opened the gate, “Hi mana

Furthermore, I immediately climbed the stairs to Grace’s room which I knew where. Furthermore, I've been here a few

... w-why

ised an eyebrow at her when she was just in front of me scratching his neck. Not knowing what t

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