img The Ceo's Mistress  /  Chapter 3 Ontop Of The World | 37.50%
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Chapter 3 Ontop Of The World

Word Count: 1175    |    Released on: 15/06/2021

Natalie's house. I grinned from ear to ear, finally feel

t, waiting for Josh to make his move. When h

wing on the matchstic

ening the door on his side and shoving him out. I stationed myself back in my seat, my eyes shifting to the rear view mi

y slay this

o step out. I instantly plastered my best smile on my face be

't bother looking around, but I'm sure as hell that every single per

de to give them a better view, his own eyes starting to scan my

side then moved back toward me, "...overdressed," he finished, a loud laugh

less laughter. "I'm serious...Compared to everyone else here you seem like

avour and stop talking." I gritted my teeth, my eyes boring hole


that must be the w

ching over to attempt at straightening out the wrinkles in his shirt as I

y." I fixed a smug smirk on my lips and li

ully roaming up and down her old fashioned dress. Rolling my eyes, I wriggled my arm out of Josh's since I found no need in t

a party without inviting m

te you...I just didn't want you to make a fool of yourself


ay but I jutted him in the side,

with her

ly. "We've known each other for years, Nathalie...

u think of this as me gladly gi

er ear. "Haley Mighty never makes a fool of herself." I leaned back a bit to look her up and down again. "Apparently

raightened up and tilted my head back a little to l

he door parted to make way. Seeing me as a threat, the girls glared at me and clutched their boyfriends closer whi

ly, I'm not interested in dating...well atleast not these rascals...what I am interested in tho

ing, nobody drinking and to make matters worse, there's a

sed and took a sip, scrunching up my nos

ed to the side and saw Elliot, another one of

alive and well." I smiled, but it

"We both know you'd prefer to see me lying

a joke but I'm sure he was bright e

f the dimwit that followed me in and disap

boyfriend." I lied

you going to

ked treats that a female waiter was carrying around. I nearly facepalmed. Trying my best to hold

e introduce you to my wife." He smiled innocently but I already knew from the

d and followed after him as

vision and indeed, I spotted three women standing by the couch, but t

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