img ZADIRA (goddess of night) Another love journey  /  Chapter 4 Perfect punishment | 20.00%
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Chapter 4 Perfect punishment

Word Count: 767    |    Released on: 15/06/2021

miling broadly that took breath from everything that draws breath. the sun stood sti

walk to his front, standing close to hi

what he intended to, she raise her eyebrows urging h

ey?” he asked smiling sheepishly, passersby where wonderi

er right hand on the air. A thousand note appeared on her h

done for me…” Felicia sing sweetly with her nice v

but she is fond of wasting food and as mummy princess no one dares

Michael” she run her hands on her beautiful

tray on the tiled floor pavement, the bulb in the passage isn’

the tray! she is not expecting him to be back by this time or comi

naira” Michael explained how a good samaritan, bought all

ira for my exam fee?” Michael asked when his aunty r

omach, Felicia glance at the one thousand naira note that lie on the white plastic chair beside her. She

she took one thousand naira from the 30 thousand wad

up from the bed to see her wailing, a

ds, looking confused. She made a

r study desk that one thousand is missing from it” her husband shouted

she kept on wailing in mockery w

ncle coming with a straight face to where he is arranging his books inside the s

d him again, Felicia behind them hold her husband back

e, and pay for your exams”. Fe

this kind of punishment. “God why? why do bad thing always befall good people? Now how am I a

f fire burn on her body cause of fury. She waves her hand and the w



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