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Reading History

Chapter 4 It's like a puzzle

Word Count: 1103    |    Released on: 14/07/2021

alking with her feet bandaged. It doesn't matter if the wound is bruised there because Summer cleaned it properly. She just needs to rest that but n

still a long way off and had to actually use a car to get to the house itself. Nikasha

ed to the girl who auto

of that term with the girl, she didn't have any

I'll carry you again," Ma

later?" Nikasha a

a favor by someone who rarely asked for a favo

a lively question that wa

in your room," the

back, because there she could not meet anyone, no one w

ograph hanging in the hallway itself, a large picture of

you can see two twin boys and a man who looks like the two twins

red as she stared at the photo wh

t Nikasha reads in the book, fiction. A big question was in her brain, how could the old

you," a young man

he picture the girl was looking at. Matthaois turned to

gination is naughty,” Matthaois meaning

do you

now much about what had happened before. More than ten times their parents told stories about

hat nice? The creator of the events using the photos is about to fade,"

owly if he does walk. as if accompanying the sound of footsteps and her breath, as she look

e didn’t know but she saw at the b

ith the help of the Mexicans he subjugated. But unfortunately there was one who spoke, a traitor w

ting. No longer followed a word with six letters that were most important

eemed like there was still an explanation

d right and then the stairs opened up to the second floor. He quickly c

left the room again. It goes to the right where Maru's room is. It was about to kn

an asked quickly as he foll

re of these transferees

r where there were a lot of books, it was quiet and comfortable to study there so th

ther the grade level years and courses taken, whil

wrong. The two ignored that because they had no proof of the names they could see and read. They conti

ng man said seriously as he could already he

om as if there was no wound on her foot. She placed

hen. If anything happened coincidentally, it was their identity th

encil loudly and th

lso be de

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