img Beauty Tames The Beast  /  Chapter 4 FOUR | 13.33%
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Reading History

Chapter 4 FOUR

Word Count: 651    |    Released on: 23/07/2021

in the were society that even in school, I'm surrounded with their kinds. Even though there are

wen dragged me out of my bed. Beat it, I'm not a morning person, so I ignored him and when once I wo

nce she's...well, giddy, and I'm afraid she might burst if I ask her. Unlike me, she's a morning person, but I've never seen her t

rds her who's doing great restraining herself. Too great. She got c

pack as she tried to calm herself. She's one weird cr

ed up to me and we stared at each for a whole minute befo

!" She squealed in t

someone might hear what she's about to say, when obviously, the other two

e in a failed attempt to sound manly and mysterious. "The reason why Daniel is coming to sch

sed, and I couldn't help hu

ater. "Now." She dramatically took a deep breath in. "Oh my gosh! The other Alphas are comin

beings. I've seen lots of Alphas before, but neither one of them could matc

oulders on the process. "From the South, East, and West! Come on, D

o remember about these legendary

West, East and South. Alpha Cooper from the West, Alpha Fin from the East, and Alpha

a moment there, I though I

s the fuss

ing here!" She whined, as if s

sure on what to feel. Should I be excited for



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