img Diverse Love ( Shades of Love Series Book 1)  /  Chapter 3 Mr. Cliff's Will | 13.04%
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Chapter 3 Mr. Cliff's Will

Word Count: 2073    |    Released on: 29/08/2021

on for Malcolm and his family. He was rejoicing at his victory and asked his wife to put

still unknown, but it is suspected there was some technical glitch in the aircraft. The investigations are on, and we will update you on the progress. Our resources have confirmed that all the pa

seat. Looking at his shocked expre

he supposed to be on the fli

"Who? Which boy ar

one channel to another to confirm whether the boy was dead or not. Another news anchor wa

d be going with them,....but the n

remote in anger.

g angry at me? "ask

er so many unsuccessful attempts, I was finally able to kill them, but yet again, that little brat ma

worry, honey, he is just a little b

. The news is all over the media; if something happens to Tri

n a worried tone, "Then what do w

thing at the end. We have waited for so long, so we just have to wait for fe

and said, "Now, let's start with our act again. We must

le and said, "I am an


d there worried. The Doctor checked him and said, "There is nothing w

eved and thank

Triston. His eyes were filled with tears

ger brother, not a Butler. Reese's father

ll in college, and he had lost everything within a day, including his

that Malcolm and Nancy were there at the Cliff Mansion. Reese lef

s. Is it true?"

rs. Cliff were killed in t

hich looked fake. Reese never liked this family as he could feel

asked Reese, "What about Triston? Where is he? I hea

couldn't as he was not well. He is s

that he was concerned for his nephew. His

lawyer Robert Kent arri

er. Why is the Lawyer here? The last time

managed to hold his dejected lo

id, "It's good; I found you he

bout?" asked Ma

Trent's Will," s

ancy gasped in shock but still ma

help but ask, "

y Will, but the recent attempts on his life compel

ed the assassins who had failed to do their job. If they had been

Cliff left for Paris, I had received an Interne

know something? He reluctant

e he said he wanted a few changes in the Will. He even asked me if I could

ng about the attacks. They had been investigating for a long time

to what changes he wanted a

alking about?

ne call and said, "I think h

id he get to know that Malcolm was behind those attacks? Did he tell someone about it? N

s, "Don't worry about Triston. I wil

tied the little boy who lost his parents at such a young age.

didn't take the news w

alcolm. "Regarding the Will, I want you two to come to

do you want me to come?

neficiaries named in t

All his efforts might be in v

and says, "Ok, I wil

ll a minor; I won't ask him to be there, but you are h

Triston, the Cliff Empire will be under Malcolm's control. So, he will


at the Lawyer's office for the will r

d Testament o

States, revoke my other former Wills and Codicils

l and that I am of sound mind. This last Will exp

ll references in this Will to "my sp

and all references in this Will to "my

t Will. If this executor is unable or unwilling to


below, if he or she survives me by



A-B-C, Ch

Estate at D-E-F

"Eat and Repeat" at

taurant at



M-N-O, Ch

Estate at P-Q-R

l at S-T-U,

rt at V-W-X,

otel at Y



liff Mansi

tes, Restaurants, Hotels, Resorts, Companies, Bank Accounts in my name, and the automobiles owned by me and hel

h tangible property to my child, Triston Cliff. My child will be solely resp

is 21, all the tangible property will be given t

emed very emotional, as if he was about to cry, whereas Malcolm had a blank expression. Thou

" As you can see, Mr. Trent has left properties for both of you. I

and Malco

elonged to Mrs. Melissa Cliff, which by default

une, but he is still a minor. Mr. Cliff has not specified any guardian for him in the Will, so you

a few measly hotels. What displeased him, even more was that now he couldn't harm Triston till he is 21. His dreams of getting rid of the boy and being t

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